Page 15 of A Ryan New Year

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“Don’t give a fuck. We all heard it. Baby making is a go. I’m flushing those birth control pills as soon as I can feel my legs again,” Mikey says, making all of us laugh.

“We might have more twins though, you know?” she yawns.

“That’s okay. We’ll still outnumber them,” I tell her.

“Hmm,” she mumbles as she drifts off to sleep.

So, we’re having more kids. I mean I knew she’d agree but I wondered if she might need a little more time. I should have known she’d be ready when we are. She gives us everything we ever want and need.

I look across at my brothers and we’ve all got the same dopey ass grins on our faces.

The smile stays on my face as I close my eyes. This year is going to be our best yet.

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