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He pulled me up off the vanity table long enough to get my own jeans open and tug them down to my knees, my panties following suit. Plopping me back onto the vanity, he dropped between my thighs and pulled everything all the way off. In the dim light from a tiny window high in the wall, I could see a wicked smile on his face as he looked up at me.

“Okay, this works,” I said breathlessly.

I closed my eyes and leaned back, shivering as he slowly and sinuously kissed the inside of my left leg. His hands gripped my knees as he moved his way upwards. At first I rested my palms on the table behind me, absorbing the feel of every fluttering kiss on the tender skin of my thigh. The closer he got to his goal, the more heated I got and found my fingers tangling in his hair. Desperate sounds rose out of my mouth as I dug into his scalp. Don’t rush him, let him—

“Oh my God,” I squeaked when his tongue lashed my swollen, aching clit. “Yes, that’s perfect.” It was more than perfect.

“Luna,” he said, his breath hot against my tender flesh.

All I could answer was a ragged sound, and I felt him chuckle, soft puffs of air against my wet folds, then his expert tongue again, deep inside me. I tightened my legs around his shoulders, rocking my hips as he brought me to heights I thought I’d already peaked with him. But I was wrong. He made me feel so much more as he continued to lave my pussy with his tongue, until I begged him for release.

Instead, he stopped, and peeked up at me. I tightened my grip in his hair. “Don’t make me call you a rude name,” I gasped.

He laughed again, and this time I joined in, albeit weakly. A second later, he moved his head back to my core and with a final, tantalizing swipe of his tongue, brought me to a climax I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to come down from.

My body shook as he rose to pull me into his arms, and I clung to him as he eased me with his fingers. Within seconds I was ready for more than just his tongue and reached for his pulsing cock. With my hands digging into his shoulders, I shoved him backwards toward the dressing area. He reached behind him and grabbed one of the curtains, yanking it from its hooks.

“Don’t worry, I figure we’ll need to get new ones anyway,” he said as he spread it out on the floor.

The fact that he included himself in the future plans for the theater made my heart swell, but there were other parts of my anatomy that took precedence over my foolish heart just then. As we lay on the bed of dusty curtains, I couldn’t imagine anything better. He cupped my cheek and kissed me, his lips hungrily claiming mine as he pulled me close. I rolled to get on top of him, grinning down at the pleasant surprise on his face.

“Go, Miss Loblolly,” he said.

“I intend to.”

I wished we had taken the time to turn on the lights, so I could see every detail of his magnificent body but had to make do with the small splash of the sun from the window that crossed his face. His eyes rolled back as I stroked his thick length, and a smile turned up his lips when I rolled my thumb over the moisture at the tip. I kept toying with him until I was pretty sure I was the one who was actually suffering, and finally gave him a last, serious squeeze.

His eyes flew open, and he settled his hands on my hips, his fingers tightening when I centered myself over his bobbing cock. A moment later he was sheathed deep inside me, and I cried out at the way he filled me. Not just my body, but my soul.

Reaching for my head, he wrapped his fingers in my hair and pulled me down to kiss me. Our tongues tangled as I rode him, at first a gentle rhythm, but soon we were both gasping for more. I moved harder and faster as he gripped me tighter, his eyes screwed shut.

“No, look at me,” I commanded, remembering how he’d wanted to watch me while he made me come with his fingertips. Now I wanted the same.

His eyes flew open and locked with mine, then he growled as he found my clit, determined for me to share his pleasure. Pulling me close, I felt him tense as he roared out his release inside me and my own followed, even better than the last time.

“How is that even possible?” I asked, crashing onto him.

He rolled me onto my side and snuggled me close to him, his chest rising in harsh pants. “We’ll have to keep investigating to find out,” he said.

I rested my head on his chest, hearing the fast thump of his heart, and certain mine was going at a similar pace. I shivered, not at all cold, but he pulled the tangled curtain around me anyway. We lay there in peaceful silence, awash in a glow of satisfaction, until our breathing and heartbeats were normal and calm again.

He eased up onto his elbow and turned to rest his head on his palm. Smiling at me, he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, slowly tracing his finger down my jawline. When he got to my lip I pretended to nip at him and he chuckled. The easy grin soon turned serious as he rested his hand against my cheek.

“I love you, Luna,” he said. “I’ll make you believe it.”

I had to look away from his earnest gaze. How could I not believe it after what he’d done? He’d saved my lost cause, and not only that, seemed excited to be part of its resurrection.

“I love you, too, Jax,” I said, those embarrassing tears welling up again. He kissed them away and laid back down, pulling me onto his chest once more. I could feel a silent rumble of a laugh he tried to suppress. “What?” I asked, craning my neck to see him smiling down at me.

“Does this mean you’ll go on a date with me, then?”

I burst out laughing and hugged him close. “Of course.”

Chapter 25 - Jax

Three months later

Nancy, our realtor, led us into the kitchen on our tour of the third house we’d visited that day. “Look at this stove,” she said with a wistful sigh. “Six burners and a pot filler faucet, and the granite counters are brand new.”

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance