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“I really want to figure things out,” he said, searching my face. “But I’m not sure where to start.”

He reached out to brush something off my lower lip, smiling at me in a way I couldn’t resist, no matter if I lived a hundred years. The next thing I knew, we were wrapped around each other. His hands tangled in my hair, pulling my head back so he could claim my mouth. I eagerly parted my lips for his tongue, all while groping at his shirt. My hand slid in between the buttons to feel his warm, hard chest, and my fingers curled against his smooth skin. I greedily breathed him in, his spicy cologne taking me back to our fevered moments in the theater dressing room.

“Luna,” he muttered as he dragged his lips across my cheek to nibble his way down my neck. “God, I missed you.”

He started to pull me onto his lap and every cell in my body wanted to comply, but all I could hear was him saying he missed me. Well, I’d been here this whole time. Why didn’t he pick up the phone and call instead of trying to send me a contract ensuring he’d never have to do more than send me a check every month for the next eighteen years?

Slowly, regretfully, my anger replaced the fierce lust that overcame me like a swarm of locusts. I pushed him away and jumped off the couch.

“This can’t happen again,” I said, smoothing down my shirt and refusing to look at him. If I saw his pleading eyes, I’d be on his lap in no time. “I’m glad you came and I want us to have a relationship for the baby’s sake.”

He reached for my hand and because I was weak, I let him take it. “What do you mean by a relationship? Isn’t this a good start?”

For a moment, I leaned toward him, following the tug of his hand. Then I pulled mine out of his gentle grip. “No. We barely know each other. We’ve never been on a proper date, and frankly, I don’t trust you.” I quickly looked away at the flash of pain that statement caused him, but it was true. All we had was this fire between us, and that wasn’t enough for me.

“So, let’s go on a proper date,” he said. “I have reservations at the resort for a whole week. Wherever you want to go, just tell me.”

Wow, a whole week? Did he really think that’s all it would take to fix things? I closed my eyes and sighed, then shook my head.

“I’m exhausted, let’s just talk more tomorrow, okay?” I headed toward the front door and after looking confused for a second, he followed me.

“Luna,” he said, reaching for me again. Maybe he wanted another kiss, but he wasn’t going to get one, no matter how much I wanted to give it to him.

“Goodnight, Jax.”

I held the door open and he finally left. I closed the door behind him and not even the fact that I still had fresh cookies could shake me out of my somber mood.

Chapter 23 - Jax

The Farmhouse Resort wasn’t any fun without my friends there to help fire up the grill, and I felt foolish renting the place just for myself when a hotel would have been closer to town and done just as well. Maybe I’d booked it because I knew how much Luna liked it here, and I hoped she’d be coming back with me after I went to her house to apologize.

That hadn’t gone according to plan at all. I wandered back and forth on the deck, frustrated, but understanding where Luna was coming from.

Of course she didn’t trust me after how I’d acted, and it was idiotic to expect her to just jump on board with my plans. And now that I’d seen her again I was full of plans. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were meant to be together. Our connection was so great, we couldn’t keep our hands off one another for more than fifteen minutes. She thought it was only physical, but I meant to show her it was so much more. I also needed to show her that I was there for more than just the baby, since Raylen seemed sure she was convinced she was nothing more than a responsibility to fulfill.

Over the last few days of soul searching, I knew I was ready to be a dad. More than ready. If only she knew how excited I’d become about the baby, she’d be more apt to forgive me, but I’d make her see that as well. I felt stupid for ever being so scared in the first place, but I supposed it was normal, so I tried to cut myself some slack. There were sure to be many mistakes along this new road I was heading down, and I’d have to be ready to pivot and recover with each one.

Now, to start convincing Luna I was there for her one hundred percent, regardless of our happy little surprise. First thing I had to do was change my work schedule, so I could increase my stay. It was clear by the look on her face that the week I’d booked hadn’t impressed her. I’d stay as long as it took. If I couldn’t stay indefinitely at the resort, I’d rent a house. Hell, I’d buy a house that was so nice, she wouldn’t be able to resist it. Except I knew Luna wasn’t the sort of woman to be swayed by big houses. It was just one of the things I loved about her.

I had to sit down at that big revelation, then I laughed out loud at myself. Of course I loved Luna. I’d loved her since we first danced on this very deck. I had just been denying it. I always considered myself a smart person, but I’d certainly taken my time figuring that out. Now that it was out in the open, everything had to fall into place.

But what if it didn’t? Now that my heart was fully invested, the thought of losing Luna and the baby almost doubled me over. That wouldn’t happen. I refused to let it. The urge to race back to her house and shout it from her lawn was nearly overwhelming, but I knew I couldn’t rush her. So, no shouting from the lawn, but I did need to let her know how I felt, and then be ready to be patient until she caught up with my feelings. The fact she might not love me back was untenable, and I shut it from my mind.

I wandered back into the house, antsy and positive I wouldn’t be able to sleep for a good long time. There was a stack of pamphlets and fliers advertising things to do in the area on the bar, so I rifled through them to see if there was anything I could suggest as a date. Anything that might impress her and sweep her off her feet. One of the fliers was from the Dante Theater and I smiled, until I read the message.

Final movie this Saturday! Come and celebrate with us at the Dante’s last show. Free drinks and popcorn. Ticket sales will be donated to the library.

I put the flier down, inexplicably sad that Luna’s battle to save that beautiful old building had finally been lost, and shaking my head that she was still giving away free food and drinks. It had to have crushed her when the decree finally came through that it was over. If only I’d been here to take her in my arms and ease some of that pain. I sat down, trying to think of ways to make her feel better.

Chapter 24 - Luna

I swung open the door of my sister’s boutique, waiting for the tinkling chimes to alert her she had a customer. She waved to me from where she was wrapping up a big sale for the mayor’s wife, and I perused the new arrivals at the front of the shop. For a small town, our ladies liked to dress well, and Lynette always managed to get some wonderful outfits. Since colder weather would soon be closing in on us, she had set up a display of soft, fluffy sweaters in vibrant jewel tones, along with some new leather handbags I hadn’t seen in there yet. I passed by the skinny jeans, since I was beginning to get the slightest of pooches in my belly area. I wore scrubs to work, so I wouldn’t need too many maternity clothes, but I thought I should get one or two dresses and some jeans at the least.

“What’s up?” Lynette asked when she was done.

I waited for the mayor’s wife to get all the way out the door before turning to my big sister. “Do you have any maternity clothes?” I asked, my cheeks heating up.

“You know I don’t,” she said cluelessly. “Who are you shopping for?”

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance