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“He’s an idiot.”

She leaned against me, and nudged me back down the row of pictures. I kept my eyes on her and when she stopped in front of one of the Christmas play photos, her cheeks turned red. I leaned down and scanned the kids until I was sure I spotted her.

“That’s you with the reindeer antlers,” I said, pointing. “You were pretty then, too.”

“Creeper and a stalker,” she said mildly.

I looked down at her and shifted so we faced each other. My hand slid from her shoulder and down her back, pulling her so our bodies meshed perfectly together. “You’re all grown up now.”

She nodded and bit her lip. Her hands rose from her sides to rest on my chest. “Can you see why I need to rescue this place?”

I returned her nod, my gaze rising from her lush lips to her bright blue eyes. I pulled her closer, letting my hands roam down her back. “Yes,” I said, unable to keep my fingers from curling into the soft flesh beneath her tweedy skirt.

She stood on her tiptoes, dragging her body against mine so that I felt every curve. She made the smallest of sighs as her fingers tightened in the fabric of my shirt. I was gone. I don’t know if I leaned down or she pulled me down, but our lips locked. I felt the heat of her sigh as we kissed and I tightened my grip on her.

We stumbled backwards until my back jostled one of the curtained partitions and I brushed it aside, sweeping us into the small area. Jerking it shut around us so we were cocooned in privacy, I lifted her and pressed her against the brick wall as her arms wrapped around my neck. Her mouth parted as I ran my tongue along the seam of her lips and her soft moan set me on fire. Stoked the existing fire, since I’d been slowly burning for her for the last few days.

“Oh my gosh, Jax,” she mumbled as I dragged my mouth from hers, kissing along the edge of her jaw and down the side of her neck. She was as soft as velvet against my lips.

The sound of her voice, coupled with the breathy way she said my name made my cock spring to life. I’d been fighting this reaction to her every time we danced, and I could no longer contain it. She gasped at the feel of my hard shaft bulging against her stomach and made me all the harder when she yanked me closer. Her hands worked their way down my arms, and I’d never been more glad I made myself stick to a workout schedule as when she squeezed them appreciatively. I needed to please her even more than the release I craved.

I licked below her ear, taking in the scent of strawberries. It almost made me laugh, at the pure joy of it, but also because it seemed like it was inevitable that she’d smell so sweet. I tasted her again, faintly salty, like caramel. She writhed against me and then huffed with pent up irritation, her head dropping back.

“I can’t get my legs around you in this tight skirt,” she griped, her lips glistening from our heated kisses.

I didn’t need her to say another word on the subject. “Let me take care of that.” Leaning down, I gripped the hem of her staid, gray skirt and hoisted it up around her hips. With a giggle that lit up my soul, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and curled a leg around my hips. The feel of her silky skin under my palm as I slid my hand from her knee up to the edge of her panties made me throb some more.

“You’re gorgeous,” I said, nipping at her neck. “I need to touch all of you.”

“Do it,” she urged. “I need to feel all of you.”

Christ. She wasn’t a schoolmarm at all. She was a raging tiger and all for me. I wound my fingers into the sides of her panties, glancing down to see the pink fabric against her smooth skin. Up, down? We were wedged into the tiny dressing area, with her leg wrapped tight around me, our bodies flush. I gripped and pulled, tearing the delicate fabric clean off of her.

“Not sorry,” I said, gliding my hand between her thighs while gripping her from behind with the other.

She went limp against the wall for a moment, then hungrily pulled my head down for another searing kiss as I sank my fingers into her wet heat. With fumbling hands, she tried to get my shirt buttons undone, finally giving up and aiming for my belt.

“This is more important,” she said, almost to herself. A few seconds later she had my belt undone, the button and zipper of my jeans open, her soft hands wrapping around my shaft. “Oh, that’s nice.”

I groaned with ecstasy when she tightened her hold on my cock as she nibbled on my lower lip. We became frenzied, our hands and mouths moving with more urgency than if the place were on fire. As she moved her body with the pulsing of my fingers, I slid them out of her tight pussy and found her clit. The sound she made rocketed through my system like a bolt of lightning, and I roughly pulled her tighter against me.

Her breath came in short, ragged pants, and she broke our kiss to drop her forehead onto my chest, overtaken by the pleasure I was giving her. I knew she was close as I continued to work her body with my fingertips, finally tipping her chin back.

“I want to watch you come,” I said, leaning down to kiss her roughly, making her mine.

Her fingers dug into my shoulders and an adorable whistling tea kettle sound leaked from her lips as she succumbed to the first orgasm. I meant to give her another one, and soon.

As she collapsed onto me, I lifted her and centered her over my raging cock. She held on, gripping her knees as I lowered her to take my entire length deep inside her.

“Yes. Yes, yes,” she repeated, as I bounced her perfect body. We tumbled backwards, and she braced my impact against the wall with her palms. “Keep going,” she said. “Don’t you dare stop.”

“Never,” I promised, ducking to claim her mouth again.

Her breasts jostled underneath her blouse, and my eyes crossed at how beautiful she was. Never was a promise I couldn’t keep, because she was driving me wild.

“Hold on,” I told her.

She nodded and squeezed me tight, kissing the side of my neck as she buried her face there. Keeping a hold on her backside, I held her up while she rode me, then wedged my free hand between our bodies to find her sensitive nub once more. Her surprised gasp of delight was worth the effort, and I nearly bit through my lower lip trying to hang on until I drove her to another orgasm. When I felt her spasm around my cock, my mind went completely and utterly blank. I’d never experienced such a rush of feeling, both in body and emotion, with any other woman. I seriously would have believed we left the planet for a few moments as she clung to me. All I could hear was the echo of my own heartbeat in my ears and the distant sound of her cute tea kettle noises. I was in orbit, shattering inside her.

Tags: Lexi Asher Billionaire Romance