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“You guys are wonderful. Thank you,” I tell them as I add another wad of cash to the little metal lockbox I keep at the table. If this keeps up, I could make four figures. That money will certainly come in handy for the restaurant. Or a new crib. Just the thought that I could already be pregnant with Ledger’s child has me grinning.

But the smile fades from my lips when Ledger storms into the gymnasium. Fire is blazing in his gaze and his hair is sticking up in all directions. His clothes look rumpled and that’s when I realize he’s wearing the ones from last night.

Before I can figure out what he’s so upset about, he stomps up to me and announces loudly, “You weren’t in my bed this morning.”

* * *


I blink awake slowly,aware that something isn’t like it should be. That’s when the events from last night come back to me and I reach for Peyton. I want to touch her again, feel her underneath me. Fuck, we did so many things last night. Things that I want to spend the rest of my life doing with her.

But she’s not here with me. My heart pounds as I get up and check the rest of the house, not even bothering with clothes. Even as I call her name through the rooms, I already know the house is empty.

The truth hits me like a fist to the gut. She’s gone again. She just walked away like everything we shared didn’t matter at all. Well, it did matter and what we shared, we’ll share again. I’m not letting her get away from me.

Grabbing my phone, I open the tracking app. I realize I’m still naked and settle on pulling on the clothes at my feet. I don’t care what I’m wearing as long as it means I can get to her faster. The app shows she’s in motion, taking a route I don’t recognize. It doesn’t matter though because I’m in my truck less than two minutes later. I’m going to get my woman.

When her phone finally stops moving about an hour later, I breathe a sigh of relief. Does she have her backpack with her? Is Honey with her? Why is she in Sweetgrass River? It’s not normally where she goes when she’s looking to run away. Maybe she’s trying somewhere new, a place I won’t think of.

I stop my truck where the app instructs me to and look around. This is an elementary school. I don’t know why she’s here but she’s not staying. She’s coming home with me. Tonight. Might have to chain her to the bed. The thought has my cock hard. There’s still so much for us to do and explore together.

Stomping into the school, I spot her by a table. Some part of my brain registers that my parents are with her, but I don’t care. I have to get to her.

“You weren’t in my bed this morning,” I growl.

Twin spots of color appear on her cheeks, and she glances at my parents. “Could you watch the table for me?”

They exchange a look, the way that only couples can. My mom quickly reassures her that they have everything under control.

Without waiting for her to respond, I grab Peyton’s hand and tug her toward the nearest door. I don’t know where we’re going. I only know that I need her alone.

The door opens to a hallway, colorful posters adorn the walls along with a bulletin board announcing the school’s latest events. I ignore all of it and push her up against the wall. Then I’m devouring her lips like I’ve been aching to do since the moment I woke up this morning.

When I finally part from her, I’m breathing hard, and her lips are swollen. Her gaze is glassy, and she looks just as turned on as she did last night. It fills me with satisfaction to know she’s hungry for me.

“You’re done running from me,” I grind out. “You don’t leave anymore. Not ever.”

Her expression softens even more, a small smile lights up her face. “You thought I left again? And you came after me?”

“I always go after you when you leave.”

She frowns and maybe this is the part where I should have some common sense and not tell her the truth. But I’m done having secrets between my woman and me. “I have a tracker on your phone. I always know where you are. Every time you leave town and book a room in that shitty hotel, I’m there.”

She doesn’t look freaked out like I expected her to be. “Do you mean you’re watching the icon on the app?”

“No, I mean my ass is in my truck driving to the hotel and waiting all night in the parking lot. I watch you go to the vending machines to grab your favorite peanut candies. I keep an eye on you when you let Honey out to pee in the bushes even though it’s usually past midnight and you shouldn’t be doing that. I watch you go down to that little breakfast diner and order the pancake special and give Honey bites of your bacon. I know everything.”

“Why would you do all that?” She blinks up at me, emotions flickering across her expression so quickly that I can’t even name them all.

“Because I’m in love with you!” How does she not know that? Everything I do is for her. Every decision I make and every word I say, it’s always about her. “You’ve never run alone. I wouldn’t allow it. I’ve always been there for you. I’ve always been in the shadows protecting you.”

Tears slip down her cheeks and for a minute, I think I fucked this up. I went too far and played too much of my hand. But then she’s throwing her arms around my neck and sobbing my name. “I love you, Ledger. And I want us to get married and have babies and be just like your parents.”

I chuckle at her words, pressing kisses everywhere I can. “Fuck, Peyton, I’ve been in love with you since we were sixteen. There’s never been another woman for me. You’ve always been it. The love of my life.”

“And you’re the love of mine,” she sniffs.

Her words heal ten years of pain, ten years of waiting and hoping she felt the same way. Ten years of being in love with my best friend.

Tags: Mia Brody Romance