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I pat my pockets. I have my credit card and my identification. That’s all I ever carry. But I would need something to wear to the theater. “Are you serious?” I ask. “You want me to go with you?”

He shrugs. But he’s still smiling. He looks younger when he smiles. And he’s so handsome that he takes my breath. “Do I need to ask your granddad’s permission?” he whispers playfully.

I nod. He probably does. He sits back, looking down his nose at me like he’s startled.

“I do, don’t I?” he asks.

I nod again. “It’s the gentlemanly thing to do,” I say playfully.

“Damn, you’re going to make me work for it,” he mutters. But he’s still smiling.

Yes, I’m making him work for it. Because he needs to work for something he wants. “Can you come upstairs while I get a few things together?” I ask. I watch his face. I’m still not sure if he wants me to go or if he’s humoring me.

He nods and grins, shaking his head. But he starts up the stairs. When he gets to the top, he stops. “Should I knock?” he asks.

I reach by him to turn the nob, and he weaves a little, unsteady on the stairs. Oh, shit. I just made him walk up the stairs on his prosthetic leg. I’m an idiot. He inhales as he reaches for the rail behind me. He closes his eyes and a little hum vibrates past his lips. I look up at him. He’s sniffing me? I freeze, and just watch his face. He looks peaceful. My heart starts to skitter when he opens his brown eyes and stares into mine.

“You just smelled me,” I whisper.

“Yep,” he says. He grins. He looks more boyish than he has since he came into the shop and my heart trips. His voice is soft when he replies. “You smell nice.”

“Nice?” I snort. “Just what every girl wants to hear.”

He grins. “What?” he asks. “Nice is good.”

“Babies smell nice.” I scrunch up my face. “Public restrooms smell nice.”

He chuckles. “I think your definition of nice is very different from mine.” He scrubs a hand down his face, like he’s wiping a smile away.

I poke a finger into his chest. “What’s so amusing?” I ask.

“Babies stink. And so do public restrooms.” He leans forward, and I feel his breath, hot and humid against the side of my neck. Wind moves by my ear, and he inhales deeply. His voice is harsh when he says close, “You’re right. You don’t smell nice at all. You smell f**king hot.” His nose brushes the side of my neck with gentle little sweeps] and goose bumps erupt on my arms.

“Hot?” I breathe. Well, I sort of breathe it. It’s more like I choke it out. Like a kid who hocks out a hot dog bit that gets stuck in his throat.

He shakes his head. “No. I said f**king hot.” He leans close to me again and closes his eyes, inhaling deeply.

“It’s antiperspirant and coffee,” I say. I cough into my closed fist, because my throat is tight.

He shakes his head. “It’s you.” He looks into my eyes.

Suddenly the door to the upstairs opens, and I almost fall into the room. But Granddad reaches for me and steadies me. “You two going to do it on the stairs, or you coming inside?” he asks. He taps his foot. I can tell he’s annoyed. But he’s still being nice. For now. He glares at Daniel. “I thought you said goodbye a few minutes ago.”

“He tried,” I chirp. Granddad is f**king with him. And enjoying it. He doesn’t get to enjoy much these days. “But I begged him to take me with him.”

Granddad’s brow arches. “Take you with him where?” he barks.

I wave a breezy hand in the air. “Back to his hotel room, so we don’t have to do it on the stairs.” I walk past Granddad and toward my room. I can hear Daniel sputtering and I am suddenly glad I’m in my room where he can’t see me, because I can’t stop laughing. I go into the bathroom and grab a few toiletries, my makeup, and then I sort through my closet looking for a dress. I pull out a slinky one that’s just wisps of fabric on the rack and stuff it into my purse. Shoes go in next. I look around. That’s all I need. I walk back out to the kitchen where I think I’ll find Granddad glaring at Daniel. But they’re not there. I hear the rumble of a hearty chuckle from Nan’s room and stick my head in. I freeze when I see Nan sitting up. She’s flirting like crazy with Daniel, and he’s flirting back. His cheeks are all rosy and Granddad is smiling. He likes it when Nan’s happy. Nothing makes him more content than the sight of her smile.

He looks at me over the top of Daniel’s head and grins. He likes him. I like him too, but I’m not sure he wants to be liked. Daniel gets to his feet. “Are you ready to go?” he asks.

I nod and he takes Nan’s hand in his and raises it to his lips. Her face gets pink and she makes a tittering noise. He tells her how wonderful it was to meet such a young and beautiful woman. He winks at me. And Nan eats it up. I suddenly feel tears sting my eyes and I blink them back furiously.

“We’ll be back late,” I say.

“How late?” Granddad shoves his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth on his heels.

I look up at Daniel. “How late?” I ask.

“I’ll have her home before midnight,” he says. And he suddenly looks way too serious. I forgot that he has somewhere to be at midnight.

“Be sure you do,” Granddad warns.

Daniel grins and rubs a finger across the bridge of his nose.

Tags: Tammy Falkner The Reed Brothers Romance