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She looked around the kitchen. "What are you going to do with this house?"

"Keep it for at least another six months. I bought it a year and a half ago from a human, and I need to hold it a little longer or I'm going to get screwed on capital gains."

"You always were good with money." She leaned down to take another spoonful into her mouth. "Can I ask you something?"


"Is there someone for you?"

"Someone how?"

"You know...a female. Or a male."

"You think I'm g*y?" As he laughed, she turned brilliant red, and he wanted to hug the shit out of her.

"Well, it's okay if you are, Rehvenge." She nodded in a way that made him feel as if she'd patted his hand in reassurance. "I mean, you've never brought any females around, ever. And I don't want to presume...that you...ah...Well, I went to your room to check on you during the day and I heard you talking to someone. Not that I was eavesdropping-I wasn't... Oh, crap."

"It's all right." He grinned at her and then realized there was no easy answer to her question. At least, to the part about whether he had someone, that was.

Ehlena was...What was she?

He frowned. The answer that came to mind went deep into him. Way deep. And given the superstructure of lies that his life was built on, he wasn't sure that kind of tunneling was a wise idea: His coal mountain was pretty damn unsteady to have shafts going so far below the surface.

Bella's spoon slowly lowered. "My have somebody, don't you."

He forced himself to answer in a way that would decrease the number of complications. Although that was like taking only one piece of garbage off the pile.

"No. No, I don't." He glanced at her bowl. "Do you want some more?"

She smiled. "I would." As he poured, she said, "You know, the second bowl is always the best."

"I couldn't agree more."

Bella patted the flakes down with the back of her spoon. "I love you, brother mine."

"And I you, my sister. Always."

"I think Mahmen is in the Fade watching over us. I don't know if you believe in that kind of thing, but she did, and I've come to after Nalla's birth."

He was aware that they had almost lost Bella on the delivery table, and he wondered what she had seen in those moments when her soul had been neither here nor there. He'd never thought much about where you ended up, but he was willing to bet she was right. If anyone could watch over her decedants from the Fade, it would be their lovely, pious mother.

It gave him comfort and purpose.

His mother was never going to have to worry from up above about her issue. Not on his account.

"Oh, look, it's snowing," Bella said.

He glanced out the window. In the light thrown by the gas lamps along the drive, little white dots drifted down.

"She would have loved this," he murmured.


"Remember how she used to sit in a chair and watch the flakes fall?"

"She didn't watch them fall."

Rehv frowned and glanced across the table. "Sure she did. For hours, she would-"

Bella shook her head. "She liked what it looked like after they came down."

"How do you know?"

"I asked her once. You know, why did she sit and stare out for so long." Bella repositioned Nalla in her arms and smoothed a hand over the young's sprinkling of hair. "She said it was because when the snow covered the ground and the branches and the rooftops, she remembered being on the Other Side with the Chosen, where everything was right. She said...after the snow fell, she was returned to before she had fallen. I never understood what that meant, and she never did explain that one."

Rehv looked back out of the window. At the rate the flakes were falling, it would take a while before the landscape went white.

No wonder his mother had watched for hours.

Wrath came awake in darkness, but it was the delicious, familiar, happy kind. His head was on his own pillow, his back was against his own mattress, his covers were pulled up to his chin, and his shellan's scent was deep in his nose.

He had been blissfully asleep for a long time; he could tell by how much he needed to stretch. And his headache was gone. Gone...God, he'd been living with the pain for so long, it was only in its absence that he realized how bad it had gotten.

With a massive sprawl, he tightened the muscles of his legs and arms until his shoulder cracked and his spine realigned and his body felt glorious.

Rolling over, he found Beth with his arm, slipping a hold around her waist from behind and curling himself into her so that his face was buried in the soft hair at the nape of her neck. She always slept on her right side, and the whole spooning thing was totally up his alley-he liked to surround her smaller body with his much larger one because it made him feel like he was strong enough to protect her.

He kept his hips back from her, though. His c**k was rigid and full of the I-wants, but he was grateful just to lie with her-and not about to ruin the moment by making her feel awkward.

"Mmm," she said, stroking his arm. "You're awake."

"I am." And then some.

There was a shuffle as she eased around, moving in his arm until she faced him. "Did you sleep well?"

"Oh, yeah."

When there was a gentle tug on his hair, he knew she was playing with the curled ends, and he was glad he kept it as long as he did. Even though he had to tie the heavy black load back when he went out to fight, and the shit took forever to dry-so long, in fact, that he had to use a hair dryer, which was too frickin' girlie to believe-Beth loved the stuff. He could remember many a time she had fanned it out over her naked br**sts...

Right, slowing that train would be a good plan. Much more of that kind of thing and he'd have to mount her or lose his damn mind.

"I love your hair, Wrath." In the darkness, her quiet voice was like the touch of her fingers, delicate, devastating.

"I love your hands on it," he replied roughly, "in it, anything you like."

They passed God only knew how long just lying side by side, facing each other, her fingers twisting and turning in the thick waves.

"Thank you," she said quietly, "for telling me about tonight."

"I'd rather have some good news to bring to you."

"I'm still glad you told me. I'd rather know."

He found her face by touch, and as he ran his fingers over her cheeks and nose to her lips, he saw her with his hands and knew her with his heart.

"Wrath..." Her hand settled on his erection.

"Oh, f**k..." His hips jacked forward, his lower back going tight.

She laughed softly. "Your language of love does a trucker proud."

"I'm sorry, I-" His breath jammed in his throat as she stroked him over the boxers he'd worn for her modesty. "Fu-I mean-"

"No, I like it. It's you."

She rolled him over and mounted his hips-holy shit. He knew she'd gone to bed with a flannel nightgown on, but wherever the thing was, it wasn't covering her legs, because her sweet, hot core rubbed right on his hardness.

Wrath growled, and lost it. With a sudden surge he threw her on her back, shoved the Calvins he rarely wore down his thighs, and drove into her. As she cried out and scored his back with her nails, his fangs fully elongated and throbbed.

"I need you," he said. "I need this."

"Me, too."

He didn't spare her any of his power, but then, she liked it like this sometimes, raw, wild, his body marking hers hard.

The roar when he came into her shook the oil painting that hung over their bed and rattled her perfume bottles over on the dresser and he kept right on going, more beast than civilized lover. But as her scent flooded his nose, he knew she wanted him just as he was-every time he orgasmed, she came with him, her sex gripping his and pulling at him, keeping him deep inside.

With breathless demand, she said, "Take my vein-"

He hissed like a predator and went for her neck, biting hard.

Beth's body jerked under his, and between their hips he felt a welling warmth that had nothing to do with what he'd left behind inside her. In his mouth, her blood was the gift of life, thick on his tongue and down his throat, filling his belly with a furnace of heat, lighting up his flesh from the inside out.

His hips took over as he drank, pleasuring her, pleasuring himself, and when he had his fill, he lapped at his bite marks, then went at her again, reaching down and stretching up one of her legs so he could get even deeper as he pounded hard. After he came in another rush, he palmed the back of her head and brought her lips to his throat.

Tags: J.R. Ward Black Dagger Brotherhood Fantasy