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I start to get up, but my legs are shaky, and I wince as I get out of bed. I put one hand on the wall and wait for the room to stop spinning. With my eyes clenched tight, it all starts to come back to me. The shot after shot of whiskey. The truths and dares, the out of this world sex. I look back toward him, and I can’t help but stare at his naked manhood. Even flacid, he’s impressive. I remember climbing up into his lap and riding him like there was no tomorrow. My face heats. I have to get out of here. What was I thinking?

I start grabbing my clothes and putting them on quickly. When I’m finally dressed, I race around the room looking for my purse and keys. I take one last look at Josh, trying to commit him to memory before I bolt out of the bedroom and go downstairs. Finally, I find my purse in the entryway on the floor, and I open it to start digging for my keys. The folded papers fall out, and I notice them at the same time I notice the ring on my finger. This time, I can’t hold it in. “Oh my God!”

I drop my purse and sit down right there on the floor. I’m staring open-mouthed at the huge rock on my finger, and I turn it side to side. It’s huge. There’s no way it’s real, I tell myself, but at the same time I get a sick feeling in my stomach because I know it’s real. I unfold the papers from my purse and cover my mouth with both hands. It’s either that or scream. In front of me is a marriage certificate for Josh and me. I lean down and try to tuck my head between my legs and take deep breaths before I pass out. I’m married. I’m married to Josh Chambers, star running back for the Jasper Eagles, and as far as I know, biggest playboy of the year.

I lean back with my head on the wall and stare up at the ceiling. It’s all playing out. We celebrated his contract. We drank way too much. Oh my, and we had sex. I came on to him. I lift my head and let it fall back again. What was I thinking? And then after we had sex, he told me he didn’t want to let me go. He had a driver pick us up and take us to a drive-thru wedding chapel. We thought that was so funny, but surely it wasn’t the real deal. I pick up the papers again and run my fingers over the raised seal. It’s been signed and stamped. It feels real enough.

What do I do? Do I stay? Do I leave? What if it was all a drunk mistake? If I stick around it’s just going to be humiliating. I stumble to my feet and shove the papers into my purse. I take a deep breath and pray I’m making the right decision. I open the front door and don’t look back.

* * *


I stretch and immediately feel the pull in my thighs. I reach blindly beside me, wanting to pull Violet into my arms for a replay of last night. When I feel the cool sheets beside me, I jerk fully awake. The sun is bright in the room, and I don’t even have to look around. I can feel that she’s gone. I can feel it in every sore muscle of my body.

My phone rings, and I don’t know why, but I think it’s her until I recognize the ring tone for my agent. “What?” I bark into the phone.

“It’s eleven o’clock. You’re supposed to be on a plane right now. You have a game tonight.”

“Fuck!” I jump out of bed and start out of the bedroom, darting room to room, looking for Violet. There’s no way she just left. Maybe she went for breakfast or coffee. Maybe she’s downstairs.

When I get to the first floor, I’ve hung up on Nick and am yelling for Violet through the house. The house is so quiet it’s almost eerie. When I get to the front door, I yank it open, not even caring that I’m bare-ass naked, and stalk down the walkway to the driveway. I stare at the empty spot where her car was once parked. “Fuck!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

My phone rings again, and I click the call button. “Nick, I don’t have time...”

“You’re right, you don’t. I don’t know what’s happened to you since yesterday, but you better get your shit together. This is the game that will seal your bid for the playoffs. You can’t just blow this off.”

“I don’t care about the fuckin’ playoffs,” I yell into the phone. Nick gasps, and I know he’s probably freaking out right now. I’ve never acted this way. I’ve always been his ideal client. Work hard, not a lot of partying, good reputation, responsible. And I’m about to blow it all up. “I don’t care, Nick. I have something I have to take care of.”

“Shit, Josh. You can’t do this. You have the sponsor a kid night at halftime tonight. You have twenty kids that are going to be at that game. When you did this last year, you raised almost twenty million dollars. You can’t just blow this off. Not last minute like this.”

“I can’t go...” I start to tell him there’s no way I can play tonight, but the fact that tonight’s game is where most of the charity’s money comes in, I know I can’t just blow it off. “Fine. I’ll go. But I need you to get me a private investigator to meet me at the airport and then get me on another flight. I’ll make it there by game time.”

I hang up the phone, not willing to give any more details to Nick. I’ll go to the game. I’ll get a PI to find Violet, and we’ll be back together by tomorrow. There’s no way I’m just letting her go... not now... not ever.



Two Months Later

I’m a genius, if I do say so myself. I’m looking around my little diner, and seeing the couples in the room all happy and enjoying their lives makes me smile. I’ve helped the majority of them get together, and I swear I should open a matchmaking company. I could make a killing.

My friends Evan and Sierra are sitting in the corner, and they can’t keep their hands off each other. I get a small thrill knowing that I brought them together. I’m sure there’s going to be an announcement soon about upcoming nuptials, and I’m sure I’ll get to be a bridesmaid... again.

Without thinking about it, I put my hand in the front pocket of my jeans and run my fingers across the smooth metal ring that I carry there every day. It’s great seeing all the people of Whiskey Run finding love, it really is. But there’s a part of me that is bothered that I’ll never have that. I won’t ever go to sleep in my husband’s arms or wake up with him next to me. No, as a matter of fact, I probably won’t even be married much longer.

Two months and I swear I can still remember what it feels like to be in his arms. I wake up every night covered in sweat because even in my dreams I’m reliving that one night with him.

I turn and wipe down the counter, not wanting Sierra to see me upset. She knows a little about things. Well, she at least knows I’m married, but I never told her the details. I couldn’t. I am so embarrassed; I feel my face heat just thinking about it.

The bell over the door chimes, and I turn with a smile plastered to my face, ready to welcome the newcomer. But instantly my smile drops because in walks Josh Chambers, the running back for the Jasper Eagles... and my husband. I drop the cloth in my hand, and all the blood drains from my face. I grip the edge of the counter to try and stay upright.

He looks around the diner before his gaze finally lands on mine. There’s a hush in the diner. Everyone knows who he is. He’s a football legend. The youngest player to ever had made it to the big game and score the winning touchdown. Little Tommy, who’s in one of the booths, rushes toward him. “Mr. Chambers, can I have your autograph?”

Tommy’s mom is behind him with a pen and napkin, and Josh takes it, signing his name but never taking his eyes off me. I’m about to bolt. I know it, and I’m sure he does too. He smiles for the kid, pats him on the head, and walks toward me.

“Hello, Mrs. Chambers.”

Tags: Hope Ford Erotic