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The truth was that he was pretty much acting as he did when he was Jack. Was she making more out of his hidden identity than she should have?

The common room in the retirement condo building was decked out with a large Christmas tree that had presents underneath it. There was a big stage at one end and the walls were trimmed with garland, and someone had gotten a little crazy with the mistletoe, which had been hung nearly every five feet.

The cookies and punch were on tables along one wall. Dante had set up an Inferno Brewing bar at the back and there were rows of chairs that were filled with residents from the building, family members of the kids that had come and other invited guests.

Mrs. B and her group took the stage, along with a group of children between six to fourteen, and they started their show with a rendition of Elton John’s “Step into Christmas.” Paisley stood out of the way, very aware that she was pregnant and feeling like she wanted to build some sort of tradition for her child. The child that she’d kept from Sean because she wasn’t sure of the man he was. But as she watched him as Candace coaxed him up to sing along with them as they moved into a jazzy rendition of “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” she realized that she was starting to like him more.

It was clear to her that Sean sort of came alive when he had an audience, and it was interesting to watch as he sang along with the women and kids. God, he was so hot when he sang. If she took away the fact that he was drop-dead gorgeous, she still wanted him more than she should. She wasn’t sure she trusted him and couldn’t just let her hormones take her back into his arms, but she wanted to be there.

However, she wasn’t making decisions for only herself now; she had the baby to consider.

“So... I really am liking Sean,” Olive said as she came up and linked her arm through Paisley’s. “I mean, Jack was great, but now that we know who he really is, he seems...less muted.”

“I know. It’s like I saw him through a frosted window before,” she murmured.

“Why don’t you sound happier about this?” her friend asked.

“Oh, I am. Sean pointed out that I’d never told him about Mrs. B and I realized there is a big part of me that I’ve kept from him too.”

“Hey, you were getting to know each other. You never said you were Judy or something like that. He knew from the first the woman you are,” Olive said, defending her.

“But he wasn’t wrong. I do pretend that I’m not my dad’s daughter a lot.”

Olive hugged her. “I pretend I wasn’t a mean girl... You know Dante also doesn’t like to look backward, but one thing I learned from him was we are all products of our past. You are the woman you are today because of the man your father was. I am not saying you were right to keep it from Sean, but I think you were getting close to letting him in.”

Olive’s words offered some comfort. She had been ready to share more with Sean before everything had gone down, but the truth about her father made her ashamed. Growing up a con man’s daughter wasn’t something she had wanted him to know. But if she wanted total honesty from him, she had to give him the same.

That meant she had to tell him about the baby.

No more pretending that she wasn’t sure of the man he was. Today he had stepped up for her. With no thought for what was in it for him. And honestly, she hadn’t expected it. Which made her admire him even more.

“Hey, lady, want to join us on stage?” Sean said, coming over to her. He had donned a red Santa cap.

“No. That’s not my thing,” she said. Something that was her thing was reinforcing the image of her clients. And Sean was one now. “But this is the kind of Christmassy event that would really help your movie. Do you mind if take some photos and videos and then we can share them online later?”

“I don’t mind, but we should check with the ladies first. I don’t want it to seem I used them for the film,” he said.

“I’ll talk to Mrs. B. Oh, and thanks for asking Dante to come set up a bar,” she murmured. “This is the first year we’ve had this many of the residents downstairs. I noticed a lot of parents stayed as well.”

“It was nothing. I’m glad to see everyone having fun and spreading Christmas cheer.” Then he admitted gruffly, “I honestly didn’t think I’d like this as much as I am.”

“Why not?” she asked.

“I’m not grinchy or anything but Christmas doesn’t really do anything for me. But singing with the ladies and hearing their stories... I’m starting to sort of get it.”

She smiled at him as Candace called his name. “I can see that. I think I have some competition in Candace.”

He had started to turn, but stopped and put his hand on her shoulder. “She is just a flirt. I want more than that with you.”

How much more?

She didn’t ask that question out loud. There was still too much unsaid between them, but she had the feeling they were on a path that she hadn’t expected. One that she hoped wouldn’t end when she told him about the baby.

He leaned down and kissed her, just a quick brush of lips, and then winked and pointed above her head. “Mistletoe.”

He headed over to Candace and Paisley just watched him walk away. That kiss had stirred memories and new longings inside of her. But she’d made a promise to herself that if they slept together again it would be with no secrets between them.

She just hadn’t expected the person with the secrets to be her.

Tags: Katherine Garbera Billionaire Romance