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We’ve always had an amazing mom, but there’s something different about the comfort and freedom in talking to your older sister about some things. She doesn’t have to protect me in the same way Mom does and she can call me on my shit when it’s necessary.

“Now this is what you needed to bring everything into focus for you.” She sighs, “It’s okay to have different journeys, but you’re there and now you need to make it right.”

I open my mouth to ask her how when her phone starts ringing. She grabs it from the coffee table where she put it before she sat down and mutters, “Raegan. She can wait.”

She sends the call to voicemail but before she can refocus on me so we can hash out how the fuck I undo the damage I’ve done, my phone starts ringing, and I see it is Raegan. I look at my sister and furrow my eyebrows together.

When I pick up my phone, I accept the call and put it on speaker. There’s an edge of panic in my voice, “Raegan, what’s wrong?”

“Isabella said she was going to go and see you and I was on my way, you know to give all the sister support because it is clear shit is going down, but then Corbin texted me and told me to turn on the radio and make sure you heard it too. I did and you need to hear this,” her words are fast and almost tripping over each other.

Now my eyebrows are even more furrowed together. “This week are all previous shows, some of his top-rated shows they replay when he takes some days off.”

“No,” Raegan’s voice is firm, “this is not a pre-recorded show. I promise you that.”

I look at Isabella, but she’s already on her phone and finding the radio station on their website where they stream it.

“I’m almost there,” Raegan says and hangs up.

Then Corbin’s voice is all I can hear, and my heart skips a beat or two before it starts racing in a way it never has before.



I don’t know if this is the best idea I’ve ever had or the worst. When you can’t get the woman you love to answer the door, your calls or texts, what else is there to do? The only other platform I have is my radio show and it’s a pretty fucking big one.

I know she normally listens to me when she can, but she also knew this last week was all reruns because I was taking off the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It’s a whole thing about starting the year fresh and playing our top-rated shows from the last year as a nice way to wrap things up.

I never complained, I mean, a week off? Yeah, I’m always game for that.

Today I woke up and I knew I needed something to change. The devastated face of the woman I love the morning after Christmas because she got her period is something that won’t fucking leave me. She wouldn’t let me comfort her, not really. She wouldn’t let me care for her. I was at a loss, and I’ve been drifting ever since.

I’ve gone to her place, but she wasn’t letting me in. I was tempted to go to the bakery, but I also didn’t want to step over the line, and she was adamant about not revealing what was going on to her family. That didn’t stop me from checking in with her sisters to find out how my girl has been doing, but I tried to keep it casual.

I don’t know if I was successful on that front, but I do know I didn’t like the updates I got.

Not at fucking all.

It sounds like it’s been rough for Justice, and it kills me. It feels like my heart is shattering. I know the only thing that will put it back together is Justice. I’m the only person who can put her back together as well.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner. Maybe I was just losing my edge or maybe I never had something so big at stake. Either way, I finally had a damn epiphany. I can only say it’s just in time because I refuse to start the new year without my woman wrapped up in my arms.

I texted Raegan and told her to turn on my show and to get Justice to listen to it somehow. I know the power they have as sisters, and I was banking on it working in my favor this time. I can only hope it works.

Thankfully the building wasn’t a ghost town, and I was able to grab someone to run the board and field the calls for me. I can only hope it doesn’t get me in trouble. I have a feeling, if people are listening, that this could be great for my ratings, but I’m sure as hell not doing this for that.

I’m doing it for Justice. To prove to her how much I need her in my life. To show her how much I love her. To hopefully get back in her arms where I fucking belong.

“Good evening, listeners. Today’s show is going to be a little different. It was supposed to be a recorded show, but I needed to come on air because this time, I’m the one who needs some advice.” I take a deep breath and chuckle as nervousness fills me. “You know, I’ve always tried to keep my advice real, and I’ve never hidden the fact that I’m probably the worst person to give advice about love, but I hope I get it right sometimes. I do know some things and what I never shared is how most of my advice is based off the longest relationship I’ve had in my life.”

My engineer is looking at me with rapt attention and I’m going to take this as a good sign. Even though my heart is pounding in my chest.

“I’ve been friends with Justice since the first day of high school. I remember seeing her and thinking she was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I was drawn to her, and I haven’t been able to stay away in all the years since then. We were only friends then, so don’t get it twisted.”

I swear my life with Justice flashes through my mind. All the laughter. All the ways we filled each other’s lives. All the love I feel for her, never realizing it before.

“She’s always been the most important woman in my life, and it always caused problems with the women I tried to date. The men she was with weren’t much better. It didn’t matter to either of us, though, because at the end of the day we had each other. It was enough and we kept dating other people, but never made a commitment to anyone. I was so damn blind.”

Tags: Ember Davis Romance