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My balls draw up and beg me to let go. I’m panting with the effort it’s taking me to hold back.

“Please,” she whimpers, her wide brown eyes boring into mine.

I push inside of her as deep as I can, and I fill her with jet after jet of my sticky seed. I can almost picture my swimmers doing the job they were meant to do. I can only hope.

It’s what she wants. Somehow, just a few days ago, my world started shifting and now her desires, her wants, her fucking coal is what is driving me. I don’t think it will ever shift back.

As we start to come down, our chests heaving and our eyes still locked, I shift on my arms and reach between us. I bat her hand away and rub her clit. I watch her every reaction, touching her how she likes it the best as I read her.

I get lost in it, in touching her, in needing to give her pleasure.

“Corbin,” she draws my name out as I make her come again, my dick buried inside of her and my cum as deep as it can go.

I kiss her again, a promise without words she might not even understand. It’s okay if she doesn’t. I’ll show her.

Yes, life can get better. It just did.



I’m a little befuddled and not just because…whatever is going on with Corbin has been going on for a little while now. It’s because I’m all mixed up about how I feel about it. We’re past my most fertile days now and I swear that man has put me in more positions and put more sperm in me than is healthy.

Like is he dehydrated? He has to be. It can’t be normal what’s been going on.

I wasn’t expecting Corbin to show up at my place two days after I propositioned him to be the father of my child in donation only. I sure as hell wasn’t expecting him to look at me with the possession and heat I saw in his eyes.

When he told me he would knock me up, but wouldn’t be making deposits in a plastic cup, I think my heart stopped for a full minute. I didn’t know how to process it at all. I also couldn’t ignore how he was willing to give me exactly what I want.

He definitely took it up a notch when he touched me, when he kissed me, when he whispered words I don’t know if he was aware of or not.

It felt so damn right. Having his lips on mine, having his body covering mine, having him moving inside of me. It felt right.

Part of me wanted to run the moment we were done, but then he wrapped his arms around me, snuggled me against his chest, and ran his fingers through my hair. He kept me there until I relaxed into his chest.

The way he’s been taking care of me astounds me. He’s come over every day after work, usually bringing food, and we’ve spent more time together than we have in years. It was something I understood before—between work and just being adults you lose some of the time for friendships and fun. Not anymore, apparently.

There’s something different in his eyes when he looks at me. I don’t think I’ve ever had a man look at me the way he does. It’s both really nice and incredibly unsettling.

If I lean into this feeling, what happens when I am pregnant? Will it all just vanish? My gut tells me no, that there’s more here. My brain tries to keep things logical and reminds me that he’s simply fulfilling his promise to me about giving me a baby.

Whenever the fear seems to be creeping in that I’ve ruined our friendship with this new path and that once I’m pregnant he’ll disappear, it’s like he knows. He’ll text me or he shows up at my door or he rolls over and pulls me against his chest and wraps his strong arms around me.

Is it possible he’s just in tune with me? Is it just luck?

I really could drive myself to the edge with all the questioning I do. Then he touches me, and it all evaporates and I'm in the moment with him. There is not a damn thing wrong with the sex between us. It’s the most pleasurable experience I’ve ever had in a bed, against a wall, on the couch, the kitchen counter, and under the Christmas tree he helped me set up and decorated with me a few days ago.

It feels like…we’re a couple and I’m not sure how I feel about it. My heart thumps, wanting to run, wanting to get as far away as possible before we get hurt. Maybe I should be listening to that damn fickle organ because when Corbin is holding me, the traitor is all in and singing his praises.

I’m all mixed up.

“Maybe I should have just gone to a sperm bank,” I mumble the words, not realizing I’ve said them out loud.

“What?” There’s a lethal edge to Corbin’s voice as he’s lounging on the couch, a movie we’ve seen a hundred times, and laughed through every time, playing.

I jerk out of his hold and look at him with wide eyes. When the hell did he even start holding me while we’re watching a movie? It never happened before we started to have sex.

It’s not like we never touched before, but he’s never wrapped his arm around my shoulders and tucked me into his side. Now he does it as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. I go willingly as well, not realizing I’m plastered to his side until much later. Not realizing I’m comfortable and content until it sneaks up on me.

Tags: Ember Davis Romance