Page 96 of The Proposal

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"She’s your wife, as you said, sir. And newly married, and a little lost in this house."

"Are you saying it’s my fault she left?"

"Of course not, sir. It wouldn’t be my place to say that, sir."

"And yet, you did."

"I’m merely saying, she may have left because she’s lonely, but these things happen in the early days of marriage. It’s a period of adjustment for the both of you."

"You don’t say."

The side of her mouth kicks up. "You’re a resourceful man, sir. I’m sure you’ll be able to convince her to return."

Even a week ago, I’d have agreed. Now, I’m not sure about my influence when it comes to her. Oh, as long as we’re in bed, I know I can bend her will to do as I want, and I know she enjoys it, too. But outside of it? I’m not sure about anything anymore.

"Thanks," I murmur. I’m about to leave when I turn to ask, "What’s your name again?"

"Malory, sir."

"Keep up the good work, Malory."

Her jaw drops. I scowl. Have I really not thanked her before or asked her name before this? Honestly, I haven’t felt the need for either. But I’m realizing if I want to find a way to get her back, I need to start with figuring out how to rejoin the human race. It’s a necessary evil, but my gut says I need all the help I can get to get her back, starting with the aid of my own staff.

I walk out of the kitchen, pull out my phone, and swipe to the app. When I click it, it opens to reveal a blue dot in South London.

If she thinks I’d let her leave without knowing where she is every second, she’s so wrong. Since my kidnapping, one thing I’ve made sure of is to always know where my near and dear ones are. It’s why I retained Karina Beauchamp’s services.

I’m about to head to the car when my phone rings.



"Liam?" I brace myself for his questions. I’m sure he woke up and found me gone. I know I only left a few hours ago, so technically, I could be out getting coffee or for a run, but Liam’s too sharp.

I’m sure he noticed my ring on the bedside table, and that my clothes and handbag are gone. Also, after last night, and the way he manipulated my body and commandeered my orgasms, and made me come so hard and so often in such a short period of time… The relationship between us isn’t the same. Things have shifted, changed, and become even more complicated.

I promised myself one night; I hadn’t thought so much would change in so little time. I entered that room confident I’d be able to leave him. Confident I’d be able to stick to the agreement he’d laid out. That once I got pregnant and had a baby, we could separate and co-parent.

But when I woke up this morning to find him curled about me, with his arm under my neck, his chest plastered to my back, and his legs twined with mine—his warmth around me and his scent cocooning me… I knew then, I want to wake up like this every morning. With him next to me and our children down the corridor.

Then we’d have breakfast, and one of us would drop the kids off at school, and we’d go to work and return to a family dinner every night. It’s a dream, so normal in its scope, so simple in its ordinariness, and yet, it’s everything I want. Yes, I do want my wedding planning company to be world-renowned, and I want to organize spectacular weddings and be known for my original ideas and for pulling off the most dazzling spectacles. But I also want to own this dream.

Until I saw those images, I didn’t realize how much I want it. Maybe from the moment I saw Liam, I’ve been building toward this. Maybe that’s why I told Lila to leave him. Maybe my subconscious had known right away he was the guy for me, which is why I also hated him on sight… Or, at least, I thought I did. Perhaps I’ve simply been fighting the inevitable. The future’s closing in on me and I’m not sure I’m ready for it.

He’s my future, and I still haven’t told him my biggest secret. How can I even think of sharing his life without showing him my true self?

I needed time to think. I needed distance to figure out my next steps. It’s why I left and came to Zara’s place. I didn’t dare go to my apartment, knowing that’d be the first place he’d look. Not that he couldn’t track me down at Zara’s, but at least, I thought it’d buy me some time.

That’s before I told Zara the entire story, and she convinced me to call him.

Now, I swallow and wait for him to say something. The silence stretches. He’s so quiet, I can’t even hear his breathing. But I know he’s there. I can sense his presence. I can picture his features hardening, the pulse at his jaw ticking as he glares into the distance waiting for me to speak.

"Liam," —I clear my throat— "I know you must be pissed at me, but I have my reasons."

He doesn’t reply.

"Just let me work things out, and I’ll return, I promise. I can’t think straight when I’m near you. And staying under your roof, everything reminds me of you. It’s messing me up. It’s warping my decision-making process. I need to figure this out so we can both move forward, Liam."

Tags: L. Steele Erotic