Page 123 of The Proposal

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I drag my gaze down her chest and almost groan aloud. The bubbles barely cover her breasts. In fact, I can make out the hard nubs of her nipples. She sticks a knee up through the water, and even though bubbles cover the triangle between her thighs, I can imagine the swollen flesh of her pussy there, can taste the sweetness of her cum on my tongue. A ball of heat detonates in my chest. My groin hardens. My vision tunnels until all I can see is her, all I can smell is her arousal. I can almost taste her cum on my tongue, and I haven’t even licked her.

Fuck. This. Shit.I tear off my shirt, toe off my shoes, shove my jeans and briefs down, kick them off, then prowl back to the tub.

"Lean forward."



One second, I have my eyes closed, head tipped back against the tub as the heat of the water works its magic. The next, I hear his voice telling me to move forward. I open my eyelids to find him looming over me.

The intensity in his gaze burns through me. The throbbing in my core grows in ferocity, yet the rest of my body is so relaxed, my arms and legs so heavy, the contrast makes me even more conscious of just how turned on I am.

He presses down on my shoulder, and I move forward. He slips in behind me, then stretches his legs out on either side. His massive thighs bracket my hips, and his chest planes support my back. I lay back against him, and he settles his arm about my waist. The thick column of his cock is a steady pressure against my hip.

The fact that he knows everything about me, has seen me at my naked and most vulnerable, and is still so turned on is more erotic than anything he’s done to my body, including the orgasms he’s wrung from me… Almost. Okay, they’d have a very close competition, and I’m not sure which would win, to be honest. The fact that he can both make me come so hard I see stars, as well as accept me for who I am without asking me to change, is the singular most titillating thing ever.

I place my palm on his and wind my fingers through his much thicker ones. "It was wrong of me to reveal who I am to the world without telling you about it first."

His fingers tighten on mine. He tucks my head under his chin, wraps his other arm about my shoulders, and pulls me even closer. "It was important for you to share your genuine self with the world."

"It was more important to share it with you, but I was afraid."


I nod. "I thought you’d hate me, that you’d want to walk away from me. That you’d take one look at me with my shaved pate and tell me you wanted nothing more to do with me."

He scoffs, then kisses the top of my head. "And how do you feel now?"

I swallow and turn my cheek into the hardness of his chest. "Now, I realize I was the one judging you. I was the one with the issues. I was so scared of how much you’d begun to mean to me, how much I couldn’t bear it if you rejected me that I let my fears override all other thoughts. You’d shown me how much you wanted me, but I wasn’t giving myself the space to believe it. I guess, I’d already found you deficient, without giving you a chance. In reality, I was judging myself harshly. I thought if I revealed my real self to the world at the same time as you, then I was protecting myself from the inevitable hurt. Or maybe, I was setting myself up for the inevitable fall to come with both you and with everyone else out there. I figured I might as well get it all over with in one go, rather than staggering the rejection."

"I’m glad I, and everyone else, didn’t let you down."

"I know you’ll never let me down. I know now you’ll always be there for me. You’re my love, my protector, my defender. I’ve always been my own knight in shining armor. I’ve always thought it was a sign of weakness to let anyone else watch out for me." I sit up, then turn around and straddle him. "I realize now, it’s a sign of security to allow someone else into the parts of my life I wouldn’t have before. To share my thoughts and emotions with others. I choose you, Liam. My husband. My one and only. My beloved."

He plants his palm on the nape of my neck and peers into my face. "That, baby, is the most valuable gift you’ve given me. The gift of trust."

"I’m sorry I didn’t believe in you earlier. But I do now, wholly and completely. I believe in you, in us, in this."

He applies pressure so I lower my head until my forehead is pushed into his.

"It’s understandable you were scared. What you did was life-changing, in more ways than one. You were protecting yourself from being hurt further, you shouldn’t apologize for that."

I sniffle. "How can someone who started out as so much of an alphahole turn out to have such a mushy center?"

He smirks, then pistons his hips up so the unmistakable rod of his cock stabs in between my pussy lips. "Does that feel mushy to you, baby?"

I snort. "Good to know that dominant part of you is still alive and kicking."

As if in response his shaft throbs.

"And how," he chuckles.

I laugh. God, it feels so good to be able to let go with him like this. To utterly trust in him, knowing he knows and accepts me completely. And I know it won’t always be smooth sailing—not with his ego—but if I fall, he’ll catch me. If I stumble, he’ll right me. If I lose my footing, he might even carry me a short distance before he helps me in finding my balance again.

He’ll match me footstep for footstep and sometimes, he’ll pull ahead but he’ll wait for me to catch up. And other times, I’ll overtake him, and he’ll be okay with that, too. He’ll probably be too busy staring at my ass in those cases, but that’s fine, too, because the only person whose gaze I want on me is his. The only arms I want around me are his. The only voice I want to hear whisper in my ear is his. The only heartbeat I want to hear when I fall asleep at night is his. The only heat I want, is to wake up cocooned in the cradle of his body.

“Dorian mentioned to me that he was your protector growing up.” He searches my features. “What was he protecting you from?”

Tags: L. Steele Erotic