Page 11 of The Proposal

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"Word is, you’re in line for the role of the next James Bond." Not that I give a whit, but it’s one way to shift the focus of this discussion from my upcoming nuptials.

"I’m too young for the role." Declan raises his snifter of whiskey to his mouth. "And you know better than trying to distract me from the more interesting topic of who you’re marrying."

"I take it you’re not marrying Lila Kumar?" JJ tilts his head.

"So, you’re aware that he’s marrying the only daughter of one of the richest men on the continent?" Adrian leans forward in his seat.

"I was privy to a very interesting conversation where the bride-to-be canceled," JJ tries and fails to conceal the look of mirth on his face, "via a text message, I might add."

"Ouch, that sounds brutal, ol’ chap. How are you holding up?" Hunter’s voice is threaded with a genuine note of concern.

"Considering he’s here having a drink with the lads, I think it’s safe to say he’s not suffering from a broken heart," Adrian drawls.

"Wait. Stop." I hold up my hand. "Thanks for the update, JJ. I’ll be first in line to celebrate when it’s your turn to tie the knot."

"I’d do so in a heartbeat, but Lena prefers that we wait. And while I’m not getting any younger, what the lady wants, she gets." JJ’s features soften. Poor sucker’s hopelessly head-over-heels for his woman. I’ve seen them together and Lena, too, has eyes only for him. They are so well-matched; it’s positively sickening seeing them together. Luckily, I’m not one of those bastards who’s going to fall for the romantic notion of true love anytime soon. In fact, that’s the reason I’ve delayed getting married—until I couldn’t anymore. If not for the fact my father’s will stipulates that I marry and reproduce before my fortieth birthday, I wouldn’t have proposed to Lila, either. Perhaps my father had an inkling that would be the case. Which is why the old bastard demanded it. Whatever the case, I’m going to make sure I don’t fall for a woman.

That’s why I’d decided on the wedding planner. She’s too feisty, too opinionated, too independent. And we can’t stand each other. We barely managed the entire conversation yesterday without coming to blows. It’s a good indication that there’ll never be an iota of sentiment between us. She’ll keep hating my guts. I’ll keep hating her sass. A match made in heaven, for the short amount of time necessary to marry her and produce an offspring.

After which, I’ll ensure she has enough payments coming to her in alimony so she and the kid will never want for anything. I’ll also make sure the obligations laid out in my father’s will are met. I’ll finally inherit the rights to the group of companies I’ve worked so hard to build and get access to my trust fund. Not that I need the trust fund. I made sure to invest the substantial money I earned over the years as CEO of my father’s company, so I’m wealthy in my own right, but it’s the principal of the thing that matters. I pumped my lifeblood into the company which, by all rights, belongs to me. And the money in the trust is mine, and I’ll finally have access to it. Plus, she’ll establish a positive reputation for her company. It’s a win-win situation for all concerned.

"It’s you who’ll be tying the knot first." JJ’s voice cuts through my thoughts. "How did you convince your wedding planner to step in for the bride though?"

"The wedding planner?" Declan exclaims.

"You’re marrying the wedding planner?" Hunter arches an eyebrow.

"Makes sense, I suppose. If the bride doesn’t turn up, have the wedding planner stand in for her instead." Adrian nods.

I narrow my gaze on JJ, suspicious of how he knows so much. "Good guess. I might jump to the assumption you have eyes on me, but you wouldn’t be so stupid as to do that now, would you?"

JJ chuckles. "I’d say that not much happens in this town without my knowledge, but in this particular case, it was a logical conclusion to draw. I was there when you received said text message from your bride-to-be, and stomped off in search of the wedding planner who you were going to teach a lesson for having broken up your wedding."

"And you jumped to the conclusion that she was going to stand in for the bride?"

"Let’s just say, something about the way you spoke about her told me your relationship with her—"

"I don’t have one."

"—was more complicated than you gave it credit for."

"Nothing complicated. I had a proposal. She accepted it. We have a deal in place; both parties win."

"Hmm." Declan scratches his jaw. "This entire thing seems rather convoluted. Why not simply hire an actress to stand in for the part?"

"Because it has to be her." I set my jaw.

Adrian and Hunter exchange looks.

"Why does it have to be her?" Hunter finally asks. His voice is soft as if he’s patronizing me. As if, if he were to ask me a particularly convoluted question, I might lose my shit. Which, I confess, I may have come close to doing when I was talking to that annoying woman yesterday. But I got my way in the end, didn’t I? Everything is set and on track. I’ve never been closer to claiming my inheritance. So why am I so stressed?

I take a deep breath, then square my shoulders. "She’s the only one I have enough of a hold over to ensure that all of the clauses in my father’s will are met."

"Hmm." Declan scratches his jaw. "You mean—" He hesitates. "Nah, it can’t be, can it?"

JJ regards him with a considering look. "You thinking what I’m thinking?"

"What are you both thinking?" Adrian glances between them.

Tags: L. Steele Erotic