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You look beautiful, baby,he purrs in my ear.

“Now you’re just embarrassing me,” Yuri says, and I smile at the easy back-and-forth they have going. It speaks to years of working and doing operations like this together. I bet they have some crazy stories they could share, but I doubt they ever will. I guess I’ll have my own story after tonight.

Most of the guests have already arrived. Tuxes and evening gowns are all I can see as I scan the crowd. I feel completely and utterly out of my element. It doesn’t help that I feel like a kid who’s been allowed to dress up and hang out with the adults for the night. I’m several inches shorter than everyone here thanks to my ballet flats. My ankle is all healed up, but Mikhail had looked so hurt when I’d suggested wearing heels without him. I know this is hard enough for him, and I didn’t want to add stripper heels to the mix. I grip Yuri’s arm, suddenly wishing very much that Mikhail were here. Sensing my nervousness, Yuri squeezes my hand and bends down, looking every bit like a man whispering into his girlfriend’s ear.

“You’re doing great, Charlie. Don’t let these rich assholes intimidate you. Don’t ever give them that kind of power.”

I nod my head and give him a grateful smile. He’s right. They’re no better than me, and I can fucking do this and help solve this massive problem for Mikhail so he can stop worrying about this jackass mayor.

All right, you two,Mikhail says in our ears,get in there, get it done, and get the fuck out.

I couldn’t agree more. I’m more than ready to be on the other side of this job, thethank fuck it’s doneside, laughing about it with Mikhail over a drink, because I definitely could use one right now. As if on cue, a waiter walks by with a tray of champagne, but I don’t dare take one. I need all my wits about me tonight.

Yuri leads me inside, giving off a relaxed attitude and friendly smiles to anyone who looks in our direction. The man is good. You’d never know he was a trained killer, not until the knife was firmly planted in your heart, that is. I quickly scan the foyer with its marbled floors and the wide staircase that leads to what I know is a long hallway with the mayor’s office behind the third door on the left. The temptation to just run up there and get this done is strong. My heart speeds up, my palms grow sweaty, and I’m just about to make a really stupid decision when Yuri squeezes my hand again.

“Not yet,” he whispers, leading me into the next room. It’s a large sitting room with more gold-accented furniture than I’ve ever seen in my life.

“Wow,” I whisper, rolling my eyes discreetly at Yuri. “This is the tackiest room I’ve ever seen, and I’ve been in some really gaudy places.”

Yuri laughs and snags a glass of champagne when the waiter walks by again. He hands it to me, and I happily take it. I feel more at ease with something in front of me. It’s not much of a shield, but at least it’s something.

“Take a sip,” Yuri urges. “It’ll help calm your nerves a bit.”

Are you trying to get my fiancée drunk

I take a drink to cover my smile at hearing Mikhail’s voice.

“Just helping her to relax,” Yuri discreetly says.

Yeah, I’ve heard you use that line before.

Yuri laughs and mutters an “As if,” that makes Mikhail laugh in my ear. I take another drink and then force myself to stop. I’d been too nervous to eat earlier, and this is going to hit me hard if I’m not careful.

“He’s here,” Yuri whispers for both me and Mikhail’s benefit.

I lift my head and watch Mayor Stephens walk in with a smug grin spread wide across his pasty face. I hate politicians; I always have. There’s something so unbelievably fake about all of them, and the man in front of me is no exception. His blue eyes and hair-sprayed blond hair make me want to roll my eyes when he starts shaking hands and making his way around the room. When he’s almost to us, Yuri wraps an arm around my waist, lightly gripping my hip as he gives me a reassuring,you’ve got thissmile.

Mikhail doesn’t say anything, which lets me know he doesn’t have a clear visual on us through the windows, and I’m suddenly hit with a longing for him that’s so strong it makes my throat tighten. As if sensing my need, I hear his deep voice in my ear.

I’m right here with you, Charlie. Nice and easy, baby.

Just hearing his voice is enough to have my spine straightening, and by the time the mayor makes it to us, I have an easygoing smile plastered to my face like I don’t have a care in the whole damn world.

Mayor Stephens looks at the two of us with his fake, politician’s grin as Yuri tightens his grip on me, reminding me to keep my cool.

“I don’t believe we’ve met before,” the mayor says, holding out his hand to Yuri.

“No, this is our first time at one of these,” Yuri says with an easy laugh, and I’m damn impressed that he’s managed to completely lose his accent. “I’m John Stone, and this is my fiancée Charlotte.”

I see you’ve given yourself an upgrade, Mikhail mutters.

The mayor takes the hand I offer, and it takes everything I have to not cringe at the feel of his soft, clammy hand. Instead, I smile sweetly and say, “Nice to meet you, Mayor Stephens. I’ve been wanting to come to one of your fundraisers for quite some time. I finally talked John into bringing me,” I say with a small laugh and a big smile for my fake fiancé.

He looks down at me, his green eyes lit up with mischief as he leans closer and kisses the top of my head.

Did he just fucking kiss you?

The soft laugh Yuri gives has everything to do with the tiny voice in our ears and nothing to do with the idiot standing in front of us.

Tags: Sonja Grey Romance