Page 47 of Exposed

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Soon after I was moved upstairs and did what they wanted me to I started working at a strip club called Cooters Clubhouse. I’ve been in Las Vegas this entire time. It’s the same club that Andrei would ask my opinion on, and now it made sense why. Everything I suggested was done, but they added a few extra back rooms and a basement where awful things happened. There are no limits for guests in these areas. On the main floor, it was presented as a expensive, elusive club for high end clientele. In the back and below, it was hell.

Every month, the club held an auction. It wasn’t a nice charity auction to raise money for sick kids or animal shelters; it was to auction off people to the highest bidder. Eventually, I started working as a waitress at the auctions. My job was to keep the drinks filled for all the high rollers, so they weren’t as concerned with how much money they were spending. The other part of my job was to service our guests in any way they saw fit. I hated it every time, but also found myself thankful that I wasn’t in one of the cages on stage being sold. All ages and genders were in those cages, and it used to make me nauseated, but eventually, I became numb. That’s the best way I can describe myself now, numb. If I came in and did my job well, I was rewarded with being able to dance on the main stage in the lounge. Dancing upstairs is the only time I feel free and can get out of my head. It’s an escape from the hell I currently live in.

This morning, I almost crack a smile because I was told that I’m being rewarded today for all my hard work.Hard work. That’s a disgusting way of putting it. Currently, I accept the praise because that’s what I ’work’ for now. I work for being told I did a good job, and I work for not getting beat or even being rewarded with the promise that no one will touch me that day.

I get out of the shower and see a new pair of pleasers, that have a nice thick platform and are covered in sequins, are waiting on the bed for me. The straps look like they’ll wrap up my calves.How sick am I if I get excited about this gift?There is also a very revealing bright red dress. Ivan even made sure I had a new dress and shoes for when I dance tonight. Ivan has been coming and going a lot lately, so I rarely see him. This must be a reward for being ’good’ while he’s been away for work. I cringe at the thought of what he is doing when he’s not here.

Again, I block everything out and force myself to be grateful for this gift. I take my time to do my hair and makeup. My smokey eye makeup looks killer, and I’m looking forward to dancing. After I get ready, I walk out of my room, and the guard walks me to the car waiting outside. The guard doesn’t touch me, so he must’ve been told not to.

The car pulls up outside of Cooters Clubhouse, and I scramble out of the car before someone can open it for me. I just want to get inside and on that stage. I plan on being there until I can’t stand anymore and even then, I’ll dance lying down if I have to. When I enter the club through the back door, Ivan is leaning against the wall right inside. My heart starts to beat faster because I didn’t expect to see him today, but I try to not let it ruin my day.

He pushes off the wall and steps towards me. “I knew that dress would be stunning on you.” His voice is low, but a smirk appears on the corner of his mouth.

“Thank you,” I reply. Me from a year ago would slap me now for thanking this disgusting dick in front of me, but that’s the old me. She doesn’t exist anymore.

Ivan holds out his arm for me to link mine through his. I comply, and he guides me down the hall. We don’t walk out into the main room, though. “I have a surprise for you downstairs first,” is all he says as he nudges me through a doorway that leads to the stairs. Nothing good has ever happened downstairs, but it’s the middle of the day, and I’ve never been down here before dark.

We get to the bottom of the stairs and walk down the hall before stopping at a door. I’ve never been in this room, and I’m not sure what’s behind it. He opens the door and ushers me in before him. I sigh in relief when I see the room is empty. I quickly scan for any potential traps, but there are none, but again, it’s an empty room.

I say nothing because I have learned to not question anything. Ivan unlinks my arm from his and takes a step away from me. “What do you think?” he asks.

Confused, I spin around, trying to figure out what he wants me to think. “I don’t understand,” is all I can think to say.

A cruel smile appears on Ivan’s face as he steps towards me until we are inches apart, and he looks down at me. “This is where you will stay until tonight.” His voice is almost jovial, but that wicked smile remains.

Again, I have no idea what he’s talking about. “Why am I staying here before dancing?”

He just laughs at me. “Dancing? I never said your reward was dancing.” My brain is racing a mile a minute trying to recall what he told me about this reward. Nothing. “You are the prime feature tonight, yes, but a lot of bidders are flying in especially for you.”

My mouth drops, and my eyes go wide.The auction. It’s not time for one of those yet.“What do you mean ’bidders’? Did I do something wrong?” My voice is pleading with him as though he cares enough to help me.

“You were perfect. Everyone at the auctions has been asking when you’d go for sale. At first, Andrei was hesitant because he enjoys his little ’visits’ with you, but money talks, and he can always find new pussy when he comes to town.” He steps away from me until he is standing by the door. “Your training is done, and you’re ready for sale. I would say it’s been fun, but I can’t wait to start with someone new.” Before I can scream ’no’ or ’stop’, he steps out the door and slams it behind him. I hear a clicking noise and run to the door. It’s locked.Fuck!

I don’t know how much time has passed or how long until I’m sold.Sold?My stomach rolls, and I run to the corner to brace myself against the wall before unloading all my stomach contents onto the floor. I should have known better.Why do I always wish for things to turn out differently? They never do and never have for me.

The door makes another clicking noise and opens right after. Two guards step inside the room, and I look around for Ivan. He is nowhere to be seen. They approach me, and I make a pathetic effort to scramble around them. They each grab onto one of my arms and drag me through the doorway. I keep kicking my legs at the wall to stop them from being able to pull forward, but it’s no use. I’m pulled into a room filled with cages, far fewer cages than are typically shown at an auction. Then, I spot a cage with the door open. There stands Ivan by the empty cage. Unsurprisingly, I’m dragged right to him. His smile is wider than I’ve ever seen it before.

“Ready for your reward now?”

“Ivan, please–” before I can beg, he lands a blow from his fist right into my stomach. I groan in pain but can’t bend over as I’m still being held up by the two goons.

Ivan reaches forward and grabs my chin, sneering, “You are nothing to me. You were always meant to draw her to me.”Her?I’m thrust forward into the cage and slam into the bars. I hear the door shut behind me, and I whip around to see Ivan locking the door.

In the auctions, groups of cages are placed on the back half of the stage so buyers can view the ’merchandise’ before bidding. It’s sick and twisted, and now I’m a part of the one thing I had been grateful to avoid.Grateful?Even saying that I was grateful to only have witnessed it instead of participating makes me feel like I deserve this. Maybe I shouldn’t have given in so easily.

My legs are aching from standing so long in these new shoes, as the cages are only big enough that I can stand and not sit. I’m trying my best to lean against the bars to get enough room so I can bend over and get my shoes off, but the door opens. In walks a large group of the usual guards, many I am all too familiar with. They bring in dollies and start hauling the cages out one by one.We’re carted out and onto the stage, but because of the uneven number or maybe it’s because I’m the last one being sold, I’m left on the side of the stage, where no one can see me until the group on stage is done..

I hear shouts from the crowds, but I can’t make out anyone with the lights so bright. They move one cage at a time to the front of the stage, and then it’s rolled away after a winner is determined. My legs are jello, and my eyes are burning, but I can’t bring myself to cry. The sounds from the crowd sound muffled as I try to dissociate myself from what’s happening.

There’s a clanging sound against my cage, which pulls me back to the moment as I feel myself being pushed onto the stage, with lights glaring down on me, it makes it hard to see the crowd as I’m moved toward the front of the stage. A thud lets me know I’ve reached the spot for bidding to start.

The announcer starts, “Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a special treat tonight. You may have seen this pretty face here before, and we heard your wishes for her to be on the stage.” I keep my eyes downcast.If I don’t see them, maybe it’s not real.“Your wish is our command. Shall we start the bidding at…”

Her voice fades as I try my hardest to tune her out, just waiting for this all to be over. A loud crack sounds near me, and people start shouting. I close my eyes and cower in the corner of my cage. Back to the darkness where I know, I’m safe.


“NO,”shewhispers,andit echoes, loud and clear, in my ear like the boom of a gunshot. I snap my gaze over to Luci, who looks like she is about to lose her lunch all over this impressive dark hardwood table.

Tags: G.P. Darling Romance