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She cured animals as well as humans, delivered babies and generally made life in the village easier for everyone. As her fame spread, she was much in demand around the whole neighborhood, but she preferred to stay in Inverleck with her friend.

Fergus was not squeamish, and he looked at the cut intently as her skillful, practiced fingers closed the lips of the wound and stitched it shut. It was about two inches long and half an inch deep, but although it looked serious, the bleeding had stopped. Grace was no longer wincing in pain, due to the poppy milk salve the woman had applied.

Now, she tied off the ends of the bandage with gentle fingers and looked up at Grace, who smiled at her and squeezed her hand. The healer smiled back, and her eyes widened as Fergus tipped some coins into her hand.

Maisie looked at the money, then up at Fergus incredulously. She shook her head and tried to give him some back, but Fergus shook his head and closed her fingers over it. “We owe you much more than this, Maisie,” he said warmly. “Take it and do something good for yourself with it.”

Maisie had been staring at him intently, reading his lips. There were tears in her eyes as she mouthed the words: “thank you,” before she turned and walked away.

* * *

The council meeting would take a few days to arrange, due to the fact that senior members of the clan had to travel, some from quite far away.

During that time, Grace and Fergus were spending much of their time riding, talking, or lying in each other’s arms in one of the cozy parlors in front of the fire. These were Grace’s favorite hours when they were alone and able to savor the sheer joy of being together.

One afternoon, when they had just come in from an exhilarating ride, they were drinking wine in their favorite parlor when Fergus, stroking her hair, said: “I will never leave you. Never, as long as there is breath in my body. I love you.”

“I love you too, Fergus MacAndrew,” Grace whispered. “I can’t wait till we are husband and wife, but I suspect something is worrying you.”

“When shall we have the wedding?” he asked, raising his eyebrows. “Because I am becoming rather—mmm…” He frowned slightly, and Grace nodded. She was feeling the same way. Both of them would have given in to their feelings, had it not been for the presence of the very devout Lady Alison.

“As soon as it takes to have a dress made,” she replied.

He chuckled and hugged her gently, mindful of her injured shoulder. “Damn! I know these things usually take weeks! I cannot wait to marry you, Grace,” he said fondly. “We are going to have such a good life together.”

She smiled at him fondly. “You said you wanted lots of children, Fergus, and so do I.”

Fergus narrowed his eyes, then smiled. “And more girls than boys, please,” he declared. “All girls, if you can manage it!”

Grace looked at him in a pretense of shocked disbelief. “I’ll do my best,” she said, at last, shaking her head as she burst out laughing. “No sons? But I thought every man wanted sons.” She was baffled.

“I want more little Graces to adore,” Fergus replied, laughing.

Grace chuckled, and they began to engage in a fierce, passionate kiss, their bodies entwined, when they heard the door opening, and Lady Alison came towards them, frowning.

Knowing how religious she was, Fergus dropped his gaze to the floor. “Sorry, Mother,” he mumbled. “We thought -”

“That I would be out on an errand, or praying?” Lady Alison asked sternly, before bursting out laughing. “Fergus—I may be religious, but I am still human. Come, both of you. There is a meeting downstairs. We have finally managed to gather enough men for a council.”

Fergus frowned. He had been looking forward to spending a leisurely afternoon and evening with Grace, eating delicacies and sipping wine. However, it seemed that he was doomed to another fate; two hours or so with a crowd of crusty old men.

Grace joined him as he said grimly: “come on, love. Let’s get it over with.”


Fergus and Grace waited nervously outside the Great Hall where the council was deciding the fate of the two brothers. Grace’s shoulder wound was still giving her a little pain, and Fergus wished he could bear it for her. He was so desperately in love with her that he could not bear to see her suffering.

Now, he picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles, then looked up into her green-brown eyes and placed a soft kiss on her lips. She smiled at him, showing the twin dimples on each of her cheeks.

Laughing, he placed the tips of his forefingers into each one. “These were what I noticed the first time I saw you,” he said fondly.

Grace smoothed her hand down his dark beard. “I remember you used to be clean-shaven,” she observed, smiling. “The beard was a surprise.”

“Would you like me to shave it off?” he asked. “I will if you want me to.”

Grace shook her head. “You are perfect just the way you are,” she murmured.

“I have been waiting so long for you. I hope we can be together soon.”

Tags: Olivia Kerr Historical