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It was a nice idea but it would never happen.

Besides, she still had to help her sister. And she couldn’t do that while she was locked away.

“Come. Time to go in.” Zander reached over and undid her seatbelt.

“I’m not going in.”

“You have to, that’s where his dental office is.”

“Don’t care. Not doing it.” She grabbed hold of the door handle. There, let’s see him try to get her out now.

His eyebrows rose and he stared from her hands to her face. She expected him to get angry or to grab at her, manhandle her.

Instead, he reached out slowly and gently cupped the side of her face which wasn’t aching and swollen.

“You’re scared.”

“Well, duh,” she replied, but without any heat.

Because she couldn’t remember the last time anyone touched her so gently before him. Or looked at her with a mix of compassion and understanding.

Like he knew how much this was hurting her.

But he was still determined to do what was best for her anyway.

It would be better if he just let her do whatever she wanted. At least, that’s what she told herself. Even if it wasn’t true. Because she didn’t really need someone who completely indulged her, who she could run all over and push around.

She’d always wanted a strong man. Who would stand up to her, but not in an abusive way. Somehow, she’d always gotten that wrong. She’d chosen men she thought were tough and strong and resolute. Only they’d been complete assholes, who could only make themselves feel good by tearing someone else down.

And she’d never come first with them.

Not once.

“I know you are. It’s all right to be scared, baby girl.”

Oh, fuck.

He couldn’t know what being called baby girl did to her, could he?

“But there is no need.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Nothing will happen to you, because I will not allow it.”

She should be used to his insane comments by now, but somehow he still managed to shock her. “Are you saying that if something goes wrong, you’ll step in and save me?”

“Nothing will go wrong. Lochlan is very good at his job. But yes, if something were to happen, I would save you.”

For some ridiculous reason, that actually made her feel better. He was so steadfast, so confident in his ability to do anything.

It must be nice to feel like that. To think you can do anything.

“Let go of the handle now, Little Thief.”

Before she could tell her body not to do it, she’d let go of the handle and Zander was carefully drawing her across the seat toward him.

“What are you doing?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic