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Zander had her put on a blindfold before he’d picked her up and carried her out of her room. She’d managed to shift it slightly so she could peek out the bottom, but she hadn’t been able to see much other than the floor. Then after he’d put her in a vehicle, he’d readjusted the blindfold and she didn’t have a chance to try and shift it before he took it off her.

That had surprised her. Not that she was able to tell much about where she was since all she could see was countryside. And more countryside.

“Aren’t you worried that I’ll tell the dentist you’re keeping me prisoner?” she asked Zander.

He was sitting in the back with her, doing something on his phone.

She wondered what he was looking at.

“I am not holding you prisoner. I’m looking after you while you’re injured and in trouble. I’m your guardian, remember?”

“You can dress a pig up in a tutu, but it’s still a pig.”

Zander glanced over at her. “That is an odd saying.”

“I think the saying actually is that you can’t put lipstick on a pig,” Webb said.

“Yeah, I like mine better. I mean, why would you put lipstick on a pig?” she asked.

Webb shot her a look in the rearview mirror. “Um, I don’t want to point out the obvious but why would you put a tutu on a pig?”

“Everyone likes tutus and it’s not going to hurt the pig. Who knows how lipstick would react with a pig’s skin?”

“This is true,” Zander pondered.

Was he looking up a dating site? She tried to sneak a peek. It appeared to be something about dating.

A surprising pang of sadness hit her. Followed quickly by anger. What was all his talk of being her guardian about? And about finding her butt attractive? Was that a lie? Why was she wearing this ridiculously big hoodie then? The one she never intended to give back because it felt so nice and soft, plus it smelled like Zander.

And she wasn’t going to examine too closely why that made her feel safe and aroused at the same time.

That was just weird.

“And even if you tell Lochlan that you’ve been kidnapped, he won’t care,” Zander told her.

“He’s Ammo’s brother,” Webb told her with a hint of remorse in his voice. “Sorry.”

“Are you saying sorry because he’s got Ammo’s personality and therefore an asshole? Or because I won’t get any help from him?”

“Oh, he’s nothing like Ammo,” Webb reassured her. “He’s very normal.”

“Great, so what you’re saying is that he’s not going to help me escape.”

“You do not need to escape, we are protecting you,” Zander said absentmindedly. “Why do you keep staring at the door? If you are thinking of trying to jump out of it, don’t. Not just because if you jumped out of a vehicle going this fast you would get very hurt and then I wouldn’t be happy, but also because there is a kiddy lock on it so there’s no point.”

She glared at him. He could have just led with that.

Turning, he looked at her.

She stiffened. What? What was wrong? She glanced down at herself. She hadn’t had a chance to spill anything on herself and the hoodie covered her nearly to her knees.

“What are you looking at?” she asked as he stared into her eyes.

She shifted around. He was making her nervous. Why was he acting so odd? Well, more odd than usual. And that was saying a lot.

“Would you say you look into my eyes a lot ?” he asked.

“Um, I don’t think so.” What the heck was he asking that for?

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic