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“All right, let’s take your temperature again,” Webb said.

She tensed as Webb grew close, but let him stick the thermometer in her ear.

“Yep, still a hundred and two point five,” he said. “Okay, let’s have a look in your mouth.”

He rummaged through his bag and pulled out a penlight and one of those tongue depressor things.

Yeah, he wasn’t getting that thing anywhere near her tongue.

He bent down. “Open.”

She pressed her lips together.

Not. Happening.

“I need to check your mouth.”

Slowly, she shook her head.

“What did I say about shaking your head,” Zander scolded her. “You need to open up so Webb can check your tooth.”

She glared over at Zander. She wasn’t even willing to open her mouth in order to answer him. Who knew what they’d stick in there?

“I won’t hurt you,” Webb wheedled. “Just one little look.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. Did he really think she believed him?

He sighed. “Keira, I need to check what’s going on. You could have an infected gum, that’s serious.”

How serious?

“If an infection is left untreated, then the bacteria can get into your bloodstream. It can lead to some nasty things and one very sick Keira.”

“What? We can’t let that happen,” Zander stated.

He stood and she shied back at the sudden movement. Then she got angry at herself. When was she going to stop doing that? It was annoying. Zander reached out a hand to her. She looked from his hand to hers.

Why did he want her to give him her hand? Was this some sort of trick?

“Would you like to sit on my lap while Webb looks at your mouth?”

What? No.


But no.

She shook her head again, ignoring his scowl. She was the one in pain, not him.

Zander crouched next to her, then whispered in her ear. “Good things happen to good girls. So be a good girl and open your mouth for Webb.”

Holy. Fuck.

Did he have any idea of the effect his words had on her? She hoped like hell that neither of them could see how hard her nipples were beneath the large T-shirt she was wearing. She’d long since taken off her bra.

Because, really, who wanted to wear a bra unless they absolutely had to?

But right now, she wished she had that protection.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic