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“Webb has got his panties in a wad over our guest,” Honey said, propping her feet up on Miles’ coffee table in front of his couch. He had another screen on the wall, but that was for playing computer games. She stuck her tongue out as she carefully applied nail polish to her toes.

“She’s not a guest,” Zander said.

“I know that. It just sounded better than calling her our prisoner,” Honey explained.

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph,” Eli groaned. “Don’t tell me she’s getting to you too. She’s got the boy wonder wrapped around her little finger, worrying over her.”

Worry flooded him. “What’s wrong with her?”

“We’ve locked her up! That’s what’s wrong with her. But she also won’t let me near her to check her over. She just tells me to fuck off. And she’s only been picking at the meals I’ve taken her. I know it’s only been a couple of days, but if she keeps up like this she’s going to get ill.”

“So? Do we really care?” Ammo asked.

They all turned to stare at him. Eli looked like he agreed, but Zander saw that Honey and Webb were uneasy. And Miles . . . well, he had yet to turn away from the screen he was studying to acknowledge any of them.

Zander sighed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll enforce a break for him,” Eli said, looking over at Miles, who still ignored them.

“I told Kent that we would take care of her.” And that was the only reason he was concerned.

Yeah. Right.


“Bring her up on screen, Miles.” He needed to check on her. He’d been gone for two days. What was she playing at? Did she think if she froze them out that they’d release her?

“How long are we punishing her for?” Webb asked.

“We’re not punishing her.”

They all gave him looks of disbelief. Except Miles, who hadn’t turned from his computer.

“Miles,” he pressed.

“What?” Miles turned to look at them, pushing his hair out of his face. It needed cut again.

“Bring Keira up on screen.”


“The woman we’re keeping in the guest room,” Eli said patiently.

It always surprised Zander how patient Eli could be with the other man.

“Oh, her,” Miles said. “I don’t think she’s feeling too well.”

“Why do you say that?” Webb asked, moving towards him.

“Because she hasn’t gotten out of bed today.”

“Damn it, Miles, why didn’t you tell me?” Webb scolded.

“Webb,” Eli warned, obviously not liking Webb’s tone.

“I told him to tell me if anything changed with her,” Webb replied.

“Why haven’t you been in to see her today?” Zander asked the other man.

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