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Home with him?

He really was insane.

When they got out into the bedroom, there was another man there, peering down at the cut ropes and the messed-up bed.

“What the fuck went on here?” He was a gorgeous man. His black hair was an afro on top and shaved at the sides. Muscular and maybe an inch or so taller than Zander. His maroon colored T-shirt was tight and molded to his huge body. She tried not to look too long at all those muscles.

Were all these guys well built? Did they spend all their time at the gym?

“He beat her and tied her up.”

The other guy looked her up and down. “That his usual idea of a fun time, sweetness?”

“Well, it’s not my idea of a fun time,” she replied.

“The beating, no. But the tying you up, that could be fun. Kinky.” He winked at her and she flushed with heat.

Holy. Hell.

Stop it, Keira.

“Webb,” Zander said in a warning voice.

“What? Was it something I said?” Webb asked with a cheeky grin.

She could tell he was trouble. And she needed to steer far away from trouble.

“She’s got sore ribs, might be bruised or broken,” Zander said. “Also, sounds like she was knocked out. Don’t know if you can give her something to help her with the trip.”

“Hmm, if she was knocked unconscious, she might have a concussion,” Webb said, opening up a black bag he had with him. “Come sit down, sweetness.” Webb gestured to the bed.

“Webb,” Zander warned again.


“Her name is Keira.”

“Is it?” He winked at her again. Right, so it seemed like he just liked to wind Zander up. That actually made her feel more relaxed.

“Keira,” Webb said with exaggerated slowness. “Can you come over here so I can check you over before we head out? With you. Which wasn’t the plan. But I’m nothing if not adaptable. The boss rarely likes to stick to plans. I can roll with it. I’m fine with change.”

“He isn’t,” Zander told her. “For some reason, he feels he has to lie about it.”

“Dude, don’t put me down in front of the pretty girl.”

“She’s not a pretty girl,” Zander said in a dark voice.

Ouch. He could have waited until she was out of earshot to say that.

“No? You don’t think she’s pretty?” Webb asked.

“You’re not here to discuss her looks. Check her over, then we’re leaving.” Zander moved to the other side of the room and made a call, talking quietly.

“Don’t take offense,” Webb whispered to her. “Zander doesn’t exactly have a social filter.”

“Right. So instead of only thinking that I’m not pretty, he says it as well.”

Not that she blamed him. She wasn’t exactly at her best right now. Her hair was lank and needed washing. She had no idea how long she’d been wearing these clothes. One eye was swollen shut and she was hunched over in pain.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic