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Okay then.

“Look, I think it’s obvious by now that Carl isn’t coming back. So can we just move things along?” The sooner she got to Bartolli, the sooner Eden would be safe. She hadn’t always done the right thing in her life. However, this was something she could make right.

“You really have no idea where he would have gone?”

She sighed, then winced as the movement hurt her ribs. It was going to be a bitch if they were broken. “I don’t know. I must have hit my head, and I was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was tied up and alone. I haven’t seen him in hours. My guess is he’s long gone. So using me as bait to trap him isn’t going to work. He doesn’t really care about me, anyway. He’s all about the money.”

“Really? Then why would he leave this?” Zander held up the envelope.

Yeah. That was an issue. Why had he left some of the money if he’d done a runner? Out of sympathy for her?

Right. Sure. He felt bad for beating her up and leaving her tied up too tightly. Sure, that sounded like Carl. He was a damn bleeding heart.

“I don’t know. Maybe he left that for me.”

“But he obviously doesn’t care about you or he wouldn’t have left you tied up like this. It makes you very vulnerable to being hurt.”

“No kidding.”

“Is that sarcasm?”

“Yes. Well done.”

“Thank you. I am trying to understand sarcasm better.”

He was unbelievable. She almost asked him if he wanted a gold star, but her need for the bathroom was becoming desperate. And she really was getting worried about her hands. Was she losing circulation?

“Look, you don’t need Carl. He’s long gone and so is the money. Can you untie me? I really have to pee.”

“I’ll untie you. All you have to do is tell me how to find him.”


“Idon’t know!” she cried. “I really don’t know where he’s gone. But his plan was to go to Mexico.”

“Where in Mexico?”

“I don’t know. He didn’t tell me. He doesn’t exactly tell me a lot.”

Zander nodded and typed something into his phone.

The door opened suddenly, startling her. In walked a huge man with short, dark-brown hair. Fear thrummed inside her as his blue eyes zeroed in on her. This guy was terrifying. Even more scary than Zander and he was frightening enough.

She would definitely get no help from this dude. It felt like he was sucking all the air from the room. It was getting really hard to breathe.

“What is wrong with her?” Zander asked, studying her.

The big guy just grunted and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring down at her.

Great. Someone else who hated her. What was this? Hate on Keira day? Well, hate on Keira life.

A woman walked in behind the big man. Petite and dressed all in black, she looked fit, confident. Gorgeous. She chewed some gum as she stared down at Keira.

Awesome. Keira felt like even more of a mess now.

“Maybe you should sell tickets,” she told Zander.

“Why would I do that?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic