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Zander stared everyone down. Great, they all seemed very attached to tiramisu. Something she’d never actually had. She might like it.

But let’s face it, it wasn’t cupcakes.

“All right, cupcakes it is,” Webb said. “I can roll with change.”

“No, you can’t,” Honey snapped. “You hate change.”

“I do not,” Webb countered.

“Are we having a meeting?” Miles asked, pushing up his glasses. “Or are we talking about dinner?”

If one of the others asked, she’d thought they were having a dig at her. But he sounded simply curious.

“We’re having a meeting,” Zander said. “Anyone got anything to report?”

Everyone was silent. Honey snapped some gum, while Eli looked stoic and Ammo appeared bored. Miles tapped on his computer.

“Nothing?” Zander asked.

“I’m making a grocery run tomorrow,” Webb said. “Everyone tell me what they want. Especially you, sweetie.” He smiled at Keira.

She smiled back, grateful he was trying.

Zander wrapped his arm tighter around her. “Mine.”

“Dude, not after your girl,” Webb reassured him.

Zander just grunted. “We need to find Kansas. I don’t like how he just disappeared. I want him found.”

Ammo frowned. “Maybe he never got to Mexico.”

“Good point, he could still be in the states,” Zander mused. “Miles, you’re still running searches on him?”

“Yep. Still nothing to report, though.”

“Think he’s had help disappearing?” Webb asked.

“I don’t know. Who would he know who would help him? Family? Friends?”

“He was an only child, parents are dead, same with his grandparents,” Miles said.

“I remember he said something about getting help from a friend,” she said. “I was surprised, because that was the first I’d heard of a friend. He never talked about anyone.”

They all turned to look at her.

“Good.” Zander nodded. “Look into that, Miles.”

“Might have been good to know that earlier,” Honey pointed out.

“It might have,” Zander said mildly. “But we know now.”

“That could be looking for a needle in a haystack,” Miles said with a frown. “Do you have any idea when he met this friend? His name? Where he lived?”

“You sure you want to pursue this?” Ammo asked. “A lot of resources going into finding this guy.”

“I do,” Zander said firmly. “Miles, what about the search for Angie?”

“I’ve been looking, so far I’m coming up with nothing. It’s like she disappeared too. Bartolli’s men aren’t talking. When his son from his first marriage, Jared, took over, he got rid of a lot of the guys his father had working for him.”

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