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His eyes widened. “I did say that, didn’t I?”

She nodded, sniffling sadly. “I want a good girl reward.”

“Unfortunately, there are no good girl rewards given out after a punishment.”

She stuck out her lower lip. “But you said the slate was wiped clean.”

“It is, but if I started giving good girl rewards following punishment, it would send a mixed message, wouldn’t it? And I wouldn’t want you to start acting out to get punishments, thinking you would then get a reward. Nope, the whole system would go into chaos.”

He ran a finger over her lower lip, then pressed on it. “Open.”

She opened her mouth, and he stuck his finger inside. “Suck.”

As she sucked, a feeling of contentment overcame her. That was odd.

“Believe me, there is nothing that I would like more than to tongue your pussy until you screamed your release. But you’re going to have to wait.”

She frowned at him.

“I know that being patient isn’t your strong suit, but that’s what is going to happen. And just think how much sweeter the reward will be.”

Well, it better be.

She settled back into his chest, still sucking on his finger. He held her for a long time until she started to feel her eyes growing heavy and she yawned.

“Time for a nap,” he commanded, slipping his finger free.

“Nooo,” she complained. Although the truth was, she wasn’t at all opposed to the idea of a nap. The complaining part was more just a reflex.

“Yes,” he said firmly. “No arguments.”

She sighed as he sat up, then stood and settled her on her feet next to the bed. Then he turned her toward the bathroom. “Go potty.”

“I don’t need to go.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Daddy, I’d know whether I had to go potty or not.”

“You have to go. You were squirming, and you haven’t been in nearly three hours. You usually go every two to three hours.”

“I do not!” she cried.

“You do.”

Holy shit. He’d been taking note of when she peed? She couldn’t believe it.

Actually, she could. This was Zander. He noticed things no one else did, yet struggled with empathy and understanding sarcasm.

He was unique.

It also made him special.

And hers. All hers.

She stomped to the toilet. Sure enough, as soon as she got on the toilet, she had to go. Darn it. How did he know her better than she knew herself? It was insane.

She winced as her bottom came in contact with the toilet seat, even though the cool seat was kind of soothing on her inflamed skin. After washing up, she wandered back into the bedroom, rubbing at her tired eyes.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic