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While Keira . . . had no one. Well, no one except a sister she was failing.

And the only friend she’d ever had likely hated her now.

The pain of that thought was a fiery ball in her gut that she had no way of extinguishing. She’d probably never see Eden again to apologize.

“Yes, and then she didn’t hear from you again until you left some cryptic message on her phone. Why? To lure her to Reaper’s Bar?”

“Lure her to Reaper’s? What are you talking about? Are you saying that Eden went to Reaper’s looking for me?”

She couldn’t have. Why would she go there? Reaper’s wasn’t the sort of bar that Eden should go to. She couldn’t exactly protect herself when she was stuck in a wheelchair.

“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” Zander told her, still watching her closely. She didn’t know what he was looking for and right now, she just couldn’t work it out. She was too busy reeling from what he was telling her.

“She went to Reaper’s?” she whispered.

“Did that blow to your head affect your memory?” Zander asked. “I’ve already said that yes, she went to Reaper’s Bar after receiving a message from you. She couldn’t hear much of what you said. There must have been bad reception. But it sounded like you were in trouble. When she couldn’t get hold of you, she decided to go to Reaper’s Bar and find you.”

“On her own,” she squeaked.

“Yes, on her own,” he said disapprovingly. “I’m certain Zeke spanked her for endangering herself like that.”

Spanked her? What the fuck?

“Zeke? Who is Zeke?”

“You do not know who Zeke is? So you’re not that close that she shared her feelings for Zeke.”

Ouch. Low blow.

Well, probably not that low, since he was right. She wasn’t much of a friend, was she? She only seemed to call Eden when she was desperate.

So all in all, she was a terrible person. Keira fought hard to keep her despair from showing. What sort of person endangered one of the few people who had ever given a fuck about her? Even though they hadn’t seen each other in years, Eden had given her money. Which had killed Keira to ask her for. She’d been so desperate.

She was always so desperate.

“Zeke is her man. And he won’t appreciate you putting her in any danger,” Zander warned.

“You think I would want Eden in danger?” She glared at him. “Eden is the only . . .”

“Eden is the only what?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she muttered.

Remember, he’s the enemy. He’s not here to help you.

Why he cared about any of this, she didn’t know. He’d found her, hadn’t he? What more did he want from her?

“So you know Eden and Zeke?” she asked. Was that why he’d been hired to find her? Had one of Eden’s brothers hired him? But how would that make sense? Surely, that whole family would rather wipe their hands of her.

Zander nodded. “I do. You won’t be able to use her anymore.”

She sucked in a sharp breath. She deserved that, but it didn’t make it hurt any less.

“Was she . . . is she all right? No one hurt her, did they?”

Please say she was all right because Keira didn’t know if she could live with anything else.

“You’d care?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic