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A shiver ran up her spine. That was what she wanted. That was what she was meant to be.

She was meant to be his.

“And you’re mine,” she replied.

“I think I have the easier part of this deal. It is far harder to be mine. I’m demanding. I’m stubborn. I don’t have much bend in me. I will try not to be too stifling, but you should know I will always do what I think is best for you, even if you don’t want it. Can you deal with someone like that? I live here with my team and I rarely go anywhere unless I have a job, or need something from town. I don’t have other friends, I don’t like other people. I have my family and pretty much everyone else is white noise in the background.”

“You really need a lesson on how to sell something.”

“I don’t want any more secrets,” he told her. “No lies. There will be nothing between us. I can’t deal with it, Keira.”

She heard the rawness in his voice. Knew how hard it was for him to tell her this.

“It should be you running from me,” she told him. “My life has only ever been filled with bad luck.”

“Then we need to change that, don’t we? And there is no running, for either of us. You chose me. Even knowing it all. So now, you have to live with that. Run, I’ll follow. Always. There is no getting rid of me.”

“Like a dog with a bone, huh?”

“Like a man who realizes that he’s found everything he ever wanted and he’s smart enough not to let her go.”

Tears entered her eyes, and she had to blink them back.

“Don’t cry,” he whispered hoarsely.

“So much for tears not affecting you, huh?”

“Only your tears. Just you, Little Thief.”

“I have issues from years of abuse from my father, and the last two no-hopers I got involved with. I’m scarred, emotionally and physically. I have nightmares. I have triggers. And I have a sister that I have to find and help. That part is non-negotiable.”

She waited to hear what he had to say. If that was something he couldn’t deal with, then she would have to walk away.

But she’d never be the same again.

“I’ll help you find your sister. But I won’t allow you to be in any danger. I protect what’s mine, Keira. And you mean more to me than anyone else on this planet.”

“Because of your feelings.”

“Because of my feelings,” he agreed.

She had to hide a smile because she didn’t want him to think she was laughing at him.

“There will be rules,” he warned.

“I figured as much.”

“Are you still . . . can you still trust me enough to be my Little girl?”

“You still want to be my Daddy?”

“Of course,” he said as though her question was absurd.

“I want that. More than anything.”

He just gave an arrogant nod. Again, she felt a surge of happiness. It seemed wrong when she had no idea if Angie was all right. But these past few years had taught her that she had to grab happiness when she could. Because it was fleeting and life was short.

He took a step toward her, then stopped and held out his hand. “Come here, baby girl.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic