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“I’m fine. Just too much thinking.”

Maybe she should tell him she was sick. Perhaps he’d have to take her to the doctor and she could find a way to escape.

Right. Like you want to do that.

“I know you’re worried about him.”

“I’m not worried about him. It makes no difference to me whether he’s here or not, other than the fact that he’s the only one who can let me out of my jail.” She gave him an irritated look.

Webb grimaced. “He’s the boss.”

She huffed out a breath, even though her irritation was kind of an act. If Webb told her right now that she could walk away, well, she hated to admit that she wasn’t sure what she would do.

If her sister wasn’t relying on her . . .

Would she stay?

Jeez. Had he really gotten to her?

“I’m going to get you some painkillers and water. You don’t drink enough water. I’ll get some cards as well.”

Webb took a lot longer than she thought he would. And when he returned, he wasn’t carrying a pack of cards but a cellphone.

Keira stared at that phone. “Am I getting my one allowed call?”

Webb sighed.

Yeah, she got it; she was a trial to him. She kind of enjoyed needling him, though. Prerogative of a younger sister.

“No,” he replied. “I got you this because I thought you might like a way to talk to Zander. Although it’s probably better to text him. His phone will be on silent if he’s busy, so you don’t need to worry about disturbing him.”

He put the phone on the table and she stared at it hungrily, unable to help herself.

“Before you get too excited, the Wi-Fi is disabled and you can’t contact anyone but Zander. Miles rigged it that way.”

Well, it wasn’t like she had anyone to contact, anyway. She couldn’t get hold of her sister and she wouldn’t bother Eden. She’d already caused enough trouble for her. So who else was there?

It would have been nice to be able to get on the web, though.

“So I’m not a prisoner, but I can’t be trusted with a proper phone, or with leaving my room.”

“Zander is just trying to keep you safe.”

“For how long? Until anyone who is a threat to me is dead?”

“I can’t answer that. But I’ve never seen Zander act like this with anyone.”

“Not even his ex?”

“No, not even with Charlene. I’ll leave you alone for a bit. Oh, Miles put some games on there. I’ll teach you some poker later.”

Keira paced back and forth, staring down at the phone.

She wasn’t going to text him.


She picked it up. She could still see what games the mysterious Miles had put on here, though. The first thing she did was check the contacts. There was only one in there, like Webb had said.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic