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Someone help her.

She was in way over her head. Drowning.

“You’re worried about me.”

She shook her head, but he didn’t pay any attention. God damn it, why couldn’t he be like a normal person? Anyone else would have given up on her by now, but no, not Zander.

He was relentless and stubborn and . . .


She was worried.

“Nothing will happen to me,” he told her arrogantly. “I am the best at my job.”

“You haven’t found Carl yet,” she pointed out.

He frowned. “No. But we will. Ammo and Eli have been chasing some leads, he can’t hide from me forever. I haven’t wanted to leave you to go after him, but I might have to. You will be all right without me?”

“Of course I will. I’ve lived twenty-six years without you just fine.”

“That is blatantly untrue,” he informed her. Then to her shock, he cupped her face between his hands. “You will listen to Webb. You will eat, get plenty of sleep and tell him if you need anything. Understand me?”

“I understand you’re a bossy bossy-pants,” she muttered then winced at how silly that sounded.

“Understand me,” he growled in a low voice.

She glared back at him.

“I’m not leaving until you tell me you understand.”

“Fine,” she muttered. “I understand.”

“Good, be a good girl for Webb and I’ll give you a reward.”

“You don’t need to keep buying me stuff.”

“Good girls get rewards. Naughty girls get spanked.”

Hmm, kind of made her want to be naughty.

Yikes! What was she thinking?

“Kiss me before I go.”

“No way,” she squeaked.

Kiss him? She couldn’t kiss him. If she kissed him then she’d want to do it again and again.

He sighed and climbed to his feet. She flinched back before she could stop herself.


“You’re not ready yet. That’s okay. You will be. Goodbye, baby girl. I’ll miss you.”

He didn’t wait for her to say goodbye back.

But she knew the truth. She’d miss him too.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Montana Daddies Erotic