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I run my fingers over the soft fabric of the purple scarf as I watch her through the store’s window.

My eyes trail her movements when she lifts a hand and tucks a strand behind her ear, exposing her delicate, milky skin. My cock hardens from the little bits of skin I see. Her focus is on the customer she is serving, her warmth radiating all the way to where I stand, smoking.

My physical therapist warned me severally against smoking, and, for a while, I did quit, but… watching her like this, the nicotine is the one thing stopping me from storming right into her place of work, and claiming her.

I have no idea what her name is, but ever since she bumped into me a week ago, I’ve found it hard to get her out of my head.

Today, the bakery she works at is stormed with people. But when is it not? Her sweet and inviting smile has the same people coming back for more every day. The same smile she flashed me when she bumped into me. It was brief, but the memory of it is burned in my head.

I am reminded of how her big, beautiful brown eyes met mine in apology, pink tongue peeking through her pouty lips as she waited for me to acknowledge her apology, but I’d been struck mute, my body frozen to the ground.

“Are you okay?” Her voice had been soft and laced with worry, and yet, I hadn’t been able to find my tongue fast enough to form a single word. It wasn’t until she was gone, leaving behind her scent, that I realized I was holding her scarf. I must have grabbed it when she bumped into me, too distracted by her beauty to notice.

I told myself I followed her to return the scarf, but it was only an excuse.

That was a week ago.


My grip on the scarf tightens when someone smiles at her, handing her a piece of paper that no doubt contains his number. I take comfort in the fact that her smile dulls a bit, and she throws the paper away moments after the customer has left.

The thought of someone else trying to take what belongs to me sends bile clawing up to my throat.She is mine! She was mine the second she bumped into me.

I lift the scarf to my nose and inhale. Her scent is faded now that it’s been a week. It also smells like cigarettes, and I hate that. I should walk in there, hand it over, and introduce myself to her. Let her know my intentions. But what if…

What if she rejects me like she did that customer? I wouldn’t know how to handle that. No! she can’t meet me.At least not yet.

Following her –stalking her -like thisis dangerous, but she is not ready to meet me yet.

My eyes are back on her as I ignore my aching cock. I want to burst into the shop, take her in my arms and ravage her as they watch. As I claim what is mine.My beautiful little obsession. She will be mine soon.

I drop the cigarette and put it out with the heel of my boots before tucking the scarf into my jacket, and with my mind made, I leave.



Two weeks later

“We’re out of muffins.”

No shit, sherlock.

I don’t bother responding to Bella, assuming she doesn’t expect me to. I am not always this irritable, but I am having a bad day. Bella, on the other hand, seems to be quite chipper today.

“April, are you even listening?”

“What?” I snap, turning to face her. I cringe at my tone when she flinches. “I am sorry Bella; I am just having a shitty day.”

“It’s alright,” she beams, her smile snapping back in place. How she can be this happy so late into the day is a mystery. “As I was saying, the muffins are… Oh, shit! Don’t look now but your favorite customer just walked in.”

My heart skips a beat at her words, but I don’t let it show.

Tags: Cassi Hart Romance