Page 7 of Soulmate Stalker

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His eyes snap back to mine. “Do you have any more classes today?”

I’m tempted to lie and say that I do, but Lucas is good at sniffing out lies, and I’ve never been a good liar, so I just shake my head.

“Okay then, let’s go.”

Before I can question him, he grabs my hand and is soon dragging me out of the restaurant. No one pays attention to us as Lucas leads us to his bike. He grabs the spare helmet and plops it over my head, working on the straps.

I’m hesitant to climb onto his bike, but I do so anyway. It’s a different one than he had years ago, the thing is almost as old as we are, and despite the work he’s clearly done on it, I’m still weary of it. Lucas hands me a helmet, and I realize it’s the same one I used in high school. He must’ve kept it all this time. It’s clean, and it’s obvious he has taken care of it.

“Are you okay?” he asks once I’ve climbed on behind him, my arms looped around his waist.

“Hmm.” My tone is unsure, but enough for him to get moving.

The ride doesn’t last as long as I thought it would, and soon, he stops. It takes me a minute to make sense of where he’s brought us.

The football field behind our old high school.

This was our spot. I haven’t been back here since the day Lucas left. My memories were too difficult to bear. He and I used to sneak out during our lunch break and sit under the bleachers. Sometimes, we would just sit in comfortable silence to enjoy each other’s company.

“Lucas, what are we doing here?” I ask, looking around worriedly, but he doesn’t bother responding as he grabs my hand and leads me towards the fence that surrounds the field. He looks around to make sure no one is watching before grabbing the cut wire and pulling it to the side.

My heart hammers in my chest as I think of what we are doing. This is trespassing, and we could be arrested for this. Lucas could get in trouble again, but my anxiety is overcome by nostalgia as I’m transported back to all those times he and I snuck away from school, back when my life was boring, only for Lucas to bring excitement into it.

The second we are across the fence, Lucas grabs my hand, and we sprint across the football field to the bleachers. I am breathing heavily by the time he leads me to our old spot. It’s littered with bubblegum wrappers and cigarette butts. I look around, but it’s too much to hope that our hidden blanket hasn’t been found.

“You’re crazy,” I say, fighting to get air into my lungs, and Lucas stands there, as if we didn’t just run across a goddamn football field.

“You used to love it.”

I pause at his words and look up to meet his eyes. “What do you mean?”

Lucas takes a step closer, crowding me in the small space. “You always liked it when I got you in trouble before.”

“We were never caught,” I manage, although it comes out in a breathy sigh. He isn’t even touching me, and my panties are soaked. I can feel my nipples poking against the silk of my bra.

Snap out of it, Anna!

Lucas is my best friend, and it’s dangerous to have such thoughts about him. Except said best friend has a drool-worthy, tattoo-covered, granite body and intense eyes that send heat curling in my core.

“Do you want to get caught? I bet Mr. Norton is still around here, somewhere.”


The thought of our former gym teacher catching us here sends a thrill down my body, even though we are no longer students here.

“Oh, you like that?” I can’t tell who is more surprised between us. His hands lift up and brush against my skin before cupping my cheek.


We can’t do this. It’s a terrible idea that would no doubt ruin our friendship, and I should put an end to it, but I might as well be mute because I cannot get my mouth to form the words.

His eyes don’t shift from mine as one hand slides across my hip to my ass and cups it through my dress. “Lucas… It’s not…we….”

“Do you remember how you would be on the lookout while I smoked, always afraid that someone would catch us?”


He slaps my ass, drawing a gasp from my lips as my eyes widen in shock.Did he… did he just spank me?

Tags: Cassi Hart Romance