Page 2 of Soulmate Stalker

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Finally, I wrap my arms around Lucas’s neck and whisper, “Thank you for saving me.”

“Always,” Lucas says into my hair. He leans back on the blanket, taking me with him, and we lie there for a long time, wrapped around each other.

If I’d known then how our lives were about to change, I’d have never let him go.


The next afternoon, when I finally come out of my room where I’ve been nursing a bruised ego and a hangover, both of my parents are waiting in the kitchen. Their expressions catch me off guard. I’d expected concern and disappointment, but they look absolutely heartbroken.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Sit down, Anna,” my mother says, pulling out a chair.

Once I’m seated between them at the table, my mother takes my hands in hers, and my father wraps his arm around my shoulders.

“It’s Lucas,” my dad says.

My heart stops. “What do you mean? What’s happened? Is he okay?” I ask frantically.

“He’s okay,” my mother rushes to reassure me, “But he’s been charged with assault for attacking Chase.”

“But he was protecting me!” I shout.

“I know, honey,” Dad says, “But he put Chase in the hospital with a broken nose and a concussion. Lucas’s mom called me the moment Lucas was arrested. I sent our lawyer to the police station to meet with the prosecutor. Lucas went before a judge this morning and agreed to a plea deal.”

“He’s going to jail?” I sob.

“No, honey. Our lawyer was able to get the prosecutor to agree to charge Lucas as a minor. They’ve given him probation and a fine, but he can’t be within 200 yards of Chase or your school. Given those restrictions, the judge felt it would be best if Lucas goes to live with his dad.”

“His dad? But he left when Lucas was a baby. He’s only met his dad once. I don’t even know where he lives,” I protest.

“He lives in California.” Mom tells me.

My breath freezes in my lungs, and I jump to my feet.

“But that’s the other side of the country!” I’m frantic, and I immediately rush toward the door, but my father stops me.

“I need to see Lucas!” I cry, tears streaming down my face.

“You can’t, honey, he’s already gone. His flight left an hour ago.”

He left without saying goodbye.My vision goes hazy, and I fall to the ground.



Four Years Later

“I don’t want to see you in my office again, you hear me, Son?”

Son? I almost scoff at the words, but decide to ignore them instead. I haven’t been anyone’s son for years.

I haven’t been anyone’s anything for years.Anything, but hers.

I shake my head as if to be rid of the thoughts of the one person who’s made my life worth living for longer than I can remember. Just thinking of those big, green eyes and her lavender scent has blood rushing to my cock. Memories of her are what have kept me sane these last several years. I can’t think of her now, but I’ll see her soon.

“Are there any more papers I need to sign?” I ask, so as to save myself from another lecture on how to be an upstanding citizen, as if I haven’t been working my ass off for the last four years.

Tags: Cassi Hart Romance