Page 7 of Holi-Date

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But I am thrilled with my purchase. One of Brett’s boards from a winter Olympics when he won gold. I almost bid on the skis he posed nude with for a cover of a magazine. Figured that would be too on the nose. I was doing my best to keep this man at a distance, but he just keeps closing that distance.

What we just shared in the darkness of that stairwell made me forget why I ever pretended I did not want him. Idowant him. Though I spent months pretending I did not like his flirting or his attention, I did.I do.

“You will give me that lesson, won’t you Ace?” I tease as we round the room, watching others gossip and gloat over their baubles.

“Of course, bunny,” he purrs that cute pent name for me and a shiver of emotion rattles through me.

“You mean it,” I say soberly, peering up at him as he beams down at me. Brett means what he says. He will teach me to ski because I asked him to. He said he is taking me home later and I know he means that too. Another little shiver shoots through me—equal parts alarm and awareness.

“I do,” he answers steadily, his eyes never leaving mine. “I will do whatever you ask me to.”

Something flashes in his eyes as the air between us changes. He means that. He means that whatever I ask, he will make sure it happens. I wonder as I stare up at him why I forced that distance between us. Why did I blow him off for all these months?

“Will you really take me home tonight?” I whisper softly, not wanting to share this moment with the others crowding the room.

“Yeah, bunny,” he husks, lifting his hand to cradle my face, “I am taking you home tonight. To my home. Where I have wanted you since we met.”

His golden eyes glitter with heat and I almost swoon. I press closer, sliding my hand up to cover his heart. It pounds beneath my hand and his hand tightens on my waist, tugging me even closer. It’s indecent how webehavetowards each other, but neither of usseemsto care.

Grabbing my wrist, he brings it to his lips, kissing it the same way he did when I first got here. Only now his mouth has touched my mouth, my body, and made me come. There is something so sensual about the way he drags his lips over myskin,and I know my pulse is thumping.

“Come, let’s get your prize. Sooner we get done here, the sooner I get you home,” he taunts, wetting his bottom lip in a move so sexy I stumble in my heels.

Brett chuckles, catching me and walking me to the pay station. I tug my black card out of my lacy thigh-highs, and he lets out a growl that makes my lady parts swoon. God, he is so sexy. What was Ithinkingstaying away for so long?I was not thinking, I tell myself—I was reacting.

Reacting to how confused I was by his attraction to me. Being cautious based on all the rumors I had heard about him. Whispers said he was cocky, rich, spoiled...and slutty. Foolishly I listened to others instead of paying attention to how his attention has been focused solely on me since we met

Handing my card over to the woman handling the purchases, I turn back to him. I press close, gazing up into his pretty eyes. His dimple flashes as he presses a hand to my back, pulling me as close as he can fit me. Heat simmers between us as we stand there, ignoring the rest of the world.

“You hungry, bunny?” his voice is deep, rough, and I am notcertainif he means itsalaciously, but the glimmer in his eyes tells me he does.

“Starving actually,” I shoot back as I run my hand up his chest, touching each of the buttons on his tux.

“Excuse me,” an icy voice breaks the spell we are under, “ma’am, I apologize.... thisis no good,” she sneers the words as a grin twists her ruby lips, her cold eyes narrow as they size me up.

“Pardon me? No good? How is it no good? It spends the same way cash does, sweetheart,” Shame and anger wash over me as people turn to stare.

“It’s a black card, Greta.” Brett is there to rescue me, “of course it is good. Those cards have no limit, you know as well as I do. Do it again.”

He moves behind me and pulls me back against his chest. He is there to protectme. I press back against him because I feel so safe with him there beside me.I do not know how or why we slipped into this soeasily,but it feels right. It may have taken me some months to get here, but here I am.

We watch sour face Greta give that shiny black card another swipe. I am shocked when an offensive beep sounds as it readsDECINED. I frown and reach out to take it from her. It is my company—well, my father’s company—card and he is right, there is no limit.

Our money is old money—our families were men of industry, so I know nothing else. Father sits atop a throne of pomp and prestige. While his title is CEO of North Tech, that is just a title. His nephews and my brother do all the work. They design the software and the hardware that keeps my father and their fathers filthy rich.

“Take mine,” Brett barks behind me, throwing his card at her when she continues to sneer at me.

“Brett, no,” I gasp the words, turning to argue with him. “I can afford it. It must be an issue with father’s accounts,” I mumble, shame flushing me.

“Bunny, stop,” he softens his voice, cradling my face in his hand. “It is for charity. Who cares where it comes from?”

I do, I think. To spare us more embarrassment, I say nothing. I allow him to pay as I stay silent at his side. They begrudgingly pass me my precious board and dismiss us both. I glare at Greta because this entire event is because of Brett. All these pretty trinkets were donated because of him. Here she is pretending to be the evil witch of Driftwood, looking down her pointy nose at someone giving to charity.

Letting him lead me out, I bow my head as we pass the crowd, feeling ashamed. I am not sure for what. When we get outside, he has a car waiting. Just before westartto climb in, I remember I came with Lennon. I start to turn back when he stops me.

“Lennon left earlier, bunny,” he tells me calmly, smiling gently. “I made sure she got home safe. Come, I promised to take you home too, baby.”

His voice is warm, and it both turns me on and calms me down. I let him load me into the back of the waiting town car, still a little rattled. When he climbs in,a veil of shynessfalls over me. How does he do this to me? How does he reduce a former wild child who danced on bars and flirted with billionaires or even kings into a simpering fool?

Tags: Dee Ellis Romance