Page 21 of Holi-Date

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For now, I just want to watch her open that gift. Her eyes shimmer in the lights of the tree, glowing bright. Slowly she lifts the lid off the big square box, setting it aside. Her eyes flick to mine, but I just wait for her to pull back the tissue paper. When she does, her eyes come back to mine and this time, they are brimming with tears.

“Oh...oh,,” she coos, breaking off as her hand flies to her trembling lips. Lifting out the first snow globe, the one of a figure on skis lying in the snow with another figure standing over it, she knows just what it is. Our very first moment together, one she told me she wanted to capture.

“Keep going, bunny. There is more,” I tell her, nodding at the box.

Brielle pulls out all ten of the snow globes one by one. Each one, she gushes over, touching all the fine details of the woodwork Landon did. All the colors are her favorite: soft pinks, grays, whites. Even the trees and glittery stars keep the same color scheme. As soon as she pulls out the very last one, she sniffles, wipes at her face and shoots to her feet.

Sitting back, I watch her do just as I hoped she would. Going to the fireplace, she sets each of them up, one by one. All in the order they happened. Our first meeting at Shea Lodge, to the night in the snowstorm when I told her I loved her last week. They fill the mantle, but we will add more, I have already told Landon he will have to make at least a dozen more for her.

Once she sets up the last one, she climbs back into my lap. Pulling at my hair gently, she fuses her mouth to mine and shows me with her lips how much she loves her present. I cradle her close and kiss her back, letting her know how much I love her. How much I meant it that she is the greatest gift I could have gotten this holiday.

I am about to get back to talk of fucking beneath the tree when a knock sounds at the door. I grumble and grouse, but I want her to have the best Christmas, so I let her go so I can answer the door. I watch her race back to the kitchen where she pulls on a cute apron and rushes to the stove.

“It will be the girls, I bet. They want to get started on our first real holiday in Driftwood.”

Seeing her lit with excitement is just another gift. I love her so deeply, all I want is to make her happy. To be the person who gives her everything she needs. But I am not all that she needs. She needs this holiday with her friends and what is left of her family.

“Merry Christmas!” Quinn shouts the greeting as I open the door to find both her and Lennon waiting, hands full of bags.

“Happy Hannukah too, if someone celebrates that,” Lennon adds as they stop to press a kiss to my cheek before they race to the kitchen.

Turning, I watch the girls embrace, laughing and talking fast about their plans for dinner. Brielle catches myeyeand I can see how happy she is. And it makes me happy. At the door, I wait, seeing Quinn’s husband Keller carrying a wicker basket full of gifts. Behind him, a grumpy looking behemoth of man stalks, also loaded down with gifts.

“Merry Christmas, Keller,” I call to him as he shakes the snow off his boots and grins at me.

“Merry Christmas, brother,” he replies with a booming shout and a cheeky grin. Glancing back at the big man behind him, he lets out a sigh. “This is Locke, my cousin and the new man up at the landing. Had nowhere to go for the holiday, so I forced him to come with us.”

“Not a problem, brother,” I say, meaning it as I send a nod at the big man. “Anyone is welcome here today, definitely if they are family.”

“He doesn’t do much but grunt and eat,” Keller tells me with a chuckle as Locke ducks his head at me then heads inside towards the tree. “He is a bit of a loner. Couldn’t leave him alone on the holiday.”

Watching the lonerlumberjackstart unloading the presents, I smile. These big burlyloggerskeep Driftwood thriving, but they mostly keep to themselves. They are a close nit group of men, most of them having done military time together. Since we all live on the mountain, I am almost considered one of them, and I am grateful for the friendships I have built with Keller, Mack and the others. I am sure this Locke will be a friend too.

We head towards the fire as the girls talk and laugh in the kitchen. I take note of Locke watching every single move Lennon makes. The brash and loud woman is a ball of energy, tossing her raven hair and telling off color jokes as the girls make a mess cooking.

“Yeah, he has not taken his eyes off her since she showed up to come here,” Keller says with a chuckle, nodding at his cousin.

Locke stands and continues to stare at the ladies. Well, his stare is focused on one in particular. When she stumbles on bare feet, he stomps the distance between them to catch her, making her laugh up at him. When he turns away, I swear I see the big guy blush.

Quinn brings us some beers and tells us to keep the fire going. That just means stay out of their way for a while as they work on dinner. None of these girls have done much cooking in their life so we stay at the ready, just in case something catches fire, or they chop appendages off.

After I open my beer, another knock sounds at the door and I go grab it. Caleb is there, almost consumed by the stack of presents he has piled up. I laugh and take some, telling him he went overboard. But I know he wants to make things up to his sister, so I suspect this is just the beginning.

No sooner do I start to shut the door than my Luke knocks, sticking his head in with a smile, towing a very pregnant Leia behind him. I let him in, and he joins the guys at the fireplace. It is the first time since my grandfather was alive that I hosted a holiday, and I am so happy to have everyone here.

While the girls cook, we sit at the leather couches near the fireplace, talking about the winter season and logging. I talk a little bit about the Lodge and Luke tells me he is excited for the promotions he has set up for the coming year. Keller talks about being married and getting kids going soon.

Once dinner is going, the girls all come join us by the fireplace. Soft holiday music plays as we open some gifts, drink spiked cider, and laugh together. Lennon gets us playing some games and the tipsier she gets, the closer Locke watches her.

Before dinner gets plated, I signal Quinn to grab the stockings. I set up one for the whole group, except Locke since he was a late addition. I laugh when Lennon sits right in his lap and offers to share hers. Quinn gives Brielle hers last and I take a deep breath before I stand to speak.

“I got a little something for all of you. Sweets, good brandy, a few small trinkets, and lifetime passes at Shea Lodge. For you, bunny,” I pause a moment as I go to her by the fireplace, the same spot where she opened all the snow globes earlier.

Reaching in her bag, I grab the black velvet box. Kneeling, I almost chuckle when she gasps and covers her mouth. Popping open the box, I show her the ring and start again.

“We said we were faking this for everyone else to believe we were going to get married. It was never fake for me, Brielle. All those plans I talked about, weddings in Ireland or a private Island, that was wishful thinking. Me talking wishes out loud. Loving you was never fake for me and it was never just for the holidays. Marry me?”

Brielle’s eyes shimmer with tears and she glows in the light of the Christmas tree. Her head shakes and my hand trembles around the ring. Then she slides to the ground in front of me. Reaching into her pocket on her cute apron, she pulls out a similar box.

“I made your grandmother’s cookies so I could propose to you tonight. I was going to put your grandfather’ wedding band on your glass of milk with a bow. Yes, Ace, I will marry you. I love you!”

“You sneaky little shit! I love you bunny. You can still propose with the cookies,” I bend close to whisper at her ear, “later, when I am fucking you beneath this tree. Because I told you, you were the best gift I could have gotten this holiday. My bunny. My bride to be.”

We kiss softly after she giggles at my dirty whispers. The others applaud, hoot, holler and shout congratulations. The girls gather around to look at her ring after I slip it on—though two of them were there when I picked it out. The guys clap me on the back and her brother tells me he will be there for the wedding and make sure her father is not.

Then we head to the dining room where the girls set beautiful place settings for dinner. Keller pours wine and Luke and I help carry the food out. Locke just hovers near Lennon, doing whatever she asks of him. We sit down together and the girls bathe in the praise we heap on them foe the beautiful meal.

It is our first holiday together but I already can’t wait for the next. For birthdays with her and Thanksgiving with these great people. I cannot wait to take her skiing down the bunny trail some day. And I cannot wait to see her round with our babies, hopefully by next Christmas.

We agreed to fake it for people to back off both of us for the holidays. But I always knew my Holi-date would become my forever date.

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