Page 57 of The Mafia Prince

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“Where is she?”

“How about we go have a chat before we tell you?”

“Graham, I don’t have the patience for this tonight.”

“Tough shit.”

Dominic sighed and followed his brother-in-law into the living room. He almost groaned when he saw his other brothers-in-law, including Alastair and a few of the cousins.

“Have a seat,” Alastair told him and pointed at a chair across from him. “I want to know what the fuck you’re doing.”

“Listen, this is between my wife and me.”

“Not anymore. You made my Beth cry. No one does that.”

“Are you saying you’ve never hurt her feelings?” Dominic asked.

“I try to show her how much I love her daily.”

That shocked Dominic. This scary fucker really made an effort to make his wife feel loved?

“I tell Faith every day that I love her,” Graham said.

Both Duncan and Blake both nodded.

“The saying that you’ll have a happy life if you have a happy wife is true. I hate it when Angelica is sad,” Blake said.

All these men that could be cold-blooded killers loved their wives enough and were brave enough to show it. Dominic had thought it was a flaw or would make him weak, and now he saw he was totally wrong.

“I love her,” he said.

“Then you have to show her, dickhead,” Graham said.

The other men in the room laughed, except for Alastair. In fact, he realized he’d never seen the man smile.

“I’ll fix this.”

Alastair nodded, stood, and set his glass down. “Good. I need my wife. I’ll see you all in the morning.”

Dominic stood after Alastair left. “Where is she?”

“In your old room,” Duncan said.

“We’ll spend the night here, if you don’t mind. I’d rather not move her tonight.”

“You’re always welcome here,” Graham said. “Just try to keep your head out of your ass, okay? I was starting to wonder if you just liked the dark, and that was why you kept shoving your head up it.”

Dominic snorted, and the other guys chuckled. “I’ll see you later.”

“Good luck,” Blake yelled after him.

Within two minutes, he stood outside of the door and felt a moment of déjà vu. He just hoped this time that when he opened the door, she’d be in the bed.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The air stuck in his throat at first sight of her. She was tucked into a little ball in the center of the bed, making her look incredibly small.

He closed and locked the door behind him before he stripped off his clothes on the way to the bathroom. He showered and brushed his teeth. After turning off most of the lights except for the one on the nightstand, he crawled into bed beside her.

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