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Clara took notice of their surroundings for the first time.Wait, this isn’t the St. George. Where are we?Her eyes widened at the sight of the imposing red bricks, many glass windows, and perfectly manicured lawn. “This looks strangely like a palace. Where are we?” Clara’s stomach somersaulted. She couldn’t be meeting David now. Not like this. She’d had no time to get ready or mentally prep. She was going to be extremely vexed if he showed his face and said he changed his plans and now they were doing lunch.

“Welcome to Kensington Palace. This is one of the older royal residences, dating back to William and Mary in 1689,” Michael offered. “Did Leeds not inform you of his lunch plans?”

“No, he did not,” Clara huffed, leaning back in the car seat and crossing her arms. Michael chose not to answer. “Did David tell you what he has in mind?”

“A servant never reveals his boss’s secrets.” Michael turned into a small courtyard, parked the car, and turned off the motor.

“Touché. I can’t get mad at you. It’s your boss, on the other hand, I need to give a piece of my mind to.” Clara looked out the window. Her eyes roamed, taking in foliage and a small fountain.

“Here we are. Apartments 1A and 1B. Let me get the door for you and your crutches.”

Clara positioned herself as the car door opened, careful to resist the urge to step down. Michael held the crutches out and offered his arm to Clara. The more practice she could get in, the better. He let her do most of the maneuvering until she was ready to move. “I can’t thank you enough for helping me with these crutches. I’m horrid at trying to get up and down and trying to walk with them.”

“All part of the job, Miss Little.” Michael closed the car door and indicated Clara should follow him to the front steps.

How was she going to get herself up those stairs? They didn’t appear too steep. Should she try hopping them? She’d have to remember to be upset at David for this and not excited to see the inside of a royal palace.

Clara didn’t have to worry about the steps. The door to the apartment clicked open. David stood on the top step and rushed down to greet his guest. Clara’s eyes locked on his.They look so stormy.She shivered. He was even more gorgeous in his slacks and blue button-up shirt. How should she greet him?

David laughed. “Welcome to the apartments, as we call them,” he started, but was interrupted when she held her hand up.

“Before we go any further, you need to know I am mad at you for not contacting me and letting me know I was being brought to lunch. It is not okay to make plans for me without asking first.” Clara internally patted herself on the back for standing up for herself.

David ran a nervous hand through his hair. “I apologize, Clara. I didn’t have a way to get in touch with you. I considered reaching out to Dr. Evans first, however, I wanted to respect your privacy. I didn’t feel it was my place to ask for your mobile number yet. It won’t happen again.”

Clara hadn’t even thought about that. Maybe I’m being too harsh on him.

David approached Clara. Her heart beat a little faster and her breath hitched as he asked, “Do you mind being carried up the steps? It’s the fastest way to get you out of the gloomy London weather. Unless you’d rather hop them with the crutches.”

So he’s teasing me now.Did she mind being carried? Clara looked over to Michael who stood back from the two giving them some privacy. “Fine. If it’s the fastest way.” Clara passed the crutches to Michael as David scooped Clara up and headed up the stairs into the apartment.

“I do need to say thank you for letting me stay in the Rose Suite. It’s one of the most beautiful rooms I’ve ever seen. The hotel in general was a treat in itself. Nancy has promised me a tour of the property when I’m a bit more agile.”

“Please, it’s the least we could have done. In fact, I have someone here who I would like you to formally meet, and he has something very important to say to you.”

A man slowly made his way out to the hallway by the front door to greet them. His hands in his pockets and his slouched posture made him appear as a young schoolboy, never mind his lanky, six-foot frame.

“Clara, please meet my cousin, Eddie.”

Eddie, like his cousin, had sandy blond hair, but his eyes were a vibrant shade of emerald green. He was much leaner than David and built like a long-distance runner. Clara’s breath hitched as she recognized him. The drunk!She should be so angry at him. He was David’s cousin? What were the odds? She remembered, then, seeing him in Amanda’s vision board.Oh, Amanda was going tolovethat Clara was having lunch with him.Wait! I’m mad.He looked so young. How should she do this? Should she be nice?

“Miss Little, I want to apologize for my behavior towards you. I never intended to get so intoxicated. I’ve had a rather long-winded conversation with David, and while I can’t say it won’t ever happen again, I promise to make it up to you and to try to be a more responsible person.” The words tumbled out of his mouth.

“Apology accepted,” Clara responded without missing a beat. He seemed genuinely sorry, and she did forgive him.Visiting Dr. Evans had given Clara ample time to reflect on her feelings about the injury. She was upset but wasn’t the type of person to hold a grudge. She believed everything happened for a reason. Maybe meeting two rather handsome princes was what fate wanted for her.

“Thank you, Miss Little. I know you didn’t have to, but thanks.” Eddie released a deep breath. His shoulders relaxed somewhat, but he still stood guarded and led the two inside to a sunroom off the kitchen area. David carefully put Clara down and offered her a pillow for her foot.

Once settled, David pointed out, “I’ve had meats, salad, vegetables, and a host of other items set out. Please help yourself to the spread. And no, this is not homemade. That dish will be forthcoming.”

Clara chuckled. He had actually attempted to make her a homemade dish. David was earning more brownie points with her.

Conversation, while strained at first, seemed to flow after David and Clara recounted their initial meeting at the airport. They learned of their mutual love of teas and coffees, and what Clara wanted to see during her first trip to Europe. Eddie was happy to chime in and rattle off a few places of interest.

“Truthfully, I’m most interested in seeing the British Museum, British Library, National Gallery, and maybe the Changing of the Guard ceremony. I am a total nerd when it comes to seeing objects that I’ve read about in history, like the Rosetta Stone.”

“I can relate. Art and items from the past each have their own unique story.”

David and Clara stared at one another and smiled. Clara’s insides melted. They broke into a fit of quiet laughter when they noticed Eddie had fallen asleep quite some time ago with his head looking down into his chest. He had grown silent without Clara or David noticing his lack of participation in their conversation.

Tags: Tomi Tabb Historical