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Even though I’m slightly mortified, I smile to myself.

When I came here, everyone stared like I was some alien life form walking around. Even though everyone deliberately gives us all a wide berth, I’m starting to realize that has more to do with Kai and Hale than us.

Seems no one gets too close to a Wild One unless they’re willing to risk the consequences of being sucked into something reckless or destructive.

I don’t know why that also makes me smile.

I do, however, know that I want to enjoy the two weeks I have left, and I’m tired of playing it safe.

A new decision is made. I’m shutting my brain off for a little while so I don’t feel conflicted.

Seeing Reese and Hale so comfortably pressed against each other and so openly affectionate…I find myself genuinely envious.

As stupid as it probably is, I make a mental note to ask my sister for advice. I think I’m a little too subtle for Kai.

Wild Ones Tip # 650

Screaming doesn’t make the fall any shorter.

Chapter 17



Reese helps me tighten my harness, as I check the strap on my helmet, while Hale and Kai do something very close to the huge drop off where the iffy zipline platform is.

“This is terrifying,” I say to Reese as my body continues to shiver.

“Yeah, but just remember that when you get to the bottom, you can talk about how exhilarating it was, and use the adrenaline pumping through your veins like liquid courage. Fling yourself into his arms, let your eyes lock, and boom. He’ll be all over you.”

“It’s a long way to the bottom,” I tell her as I swallow the knot in my throat.

She grabs my shoulders, shakes me a little, and I stare into her eyes as she continues with the pep talk.

“Woman up and take the plunge—both literally and metaphorically,” she says as she forcefully turns me, slaps me on the ass, and then shoves me forward.

“Ready?” Hale asks us as we move toward them.

It really is freaking high.

Reese is forced to answer when all I can do is gawk.

Kai flashes me a smile, winks, and steps onto the ledge. “I’ll catch you at the bottom,” he tells me as he shoves off and zooms down the line.

My eyes widen in horror, and I scream like he’s plummeting to his death. It’s a really fast zipline, and the drop is way more dangerous than they seem to fathom.

“Don’t worry. Kai got certified to do this shit, and there are backup safety precautions,” Hale is saying as he begins instructing us on what to do.

I don’t even know when I climbed the steps of the platform. I don’t know how I’ve moved so much closer to the ledge. I don’t know when Hale started snapping me up to the cable. It’s like everything is happening, but all I can do is stare.

“You can back out,” Hale says to me, laughing under his breath.

Shaking my head, I slap both sides of my faces, give myself a mental shove, and take a deep breath.

If I survive, I’m going to have all the rush I need to hurdle myself over that barrier of the fear of rejection, and this will all work out in my favor.

I’ll have no regrets when I leave.

I’ll have incredible memories of Tomahawk.

And a time to look back on when I fall too far into the routine of just existing.

“I can do it. I’m ready!” I shout, fist-pumping the air, feeling hella empowered when my voice echoes back to me.

Reese snorts, but I ignore her. I need courage in any form it presents itself.

I listen to the instructions again, especially the part about not trying to brake too much, and when to actually brake, and how to brake, and why I can’t brake too much, and…basically, I listen to all the brake stuff. It seems to be the most important out of everything else he’s saying, because Kai disappeared damn fast.

“Just go when you’re ready,” Hale tells me.

“I’m ready!” I shout, loving that echo of confidence that rings back.

I start and stop at least twenty times, getting less and less confident I can do this by the second. It seems to be harder to leave solid ground than I expected it to be.

“I’m ready!” I shout again, making it to the edge…and stopping in the nick of time.

“This looks like it could take a while. Did you bring snacks?” Hale asks Reese.

“I’m ready!” I toe the edge, but when I try to pull back this time, I slip.

My eyes widen, my stomach hurdles up to my throat, and the air gets trapped in my lungs when I’m suddenly falling.



“I’m so proud of you!” Reese shouts, her echo surrounding me.

As if it all sinks in that I’m zooming toward the forest, fear spikes to its peak. All the air trapped in my lungs comes out in an ear-splitting scream that seems to scare the birds out of the trees.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Wild Ones Romance