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What in the world is going on right now?

After delivering a softer rejection, I make it another ten steps and have to deliver another soft rejection.

Sheesh. I’ve now been shown more interest in fifteen minutes than I’ve been shown since I entered town. What is with these people today of all days?


Hearing my name, I turn and find Nila and Krysta running my way, waving their arms. Since Reese drove our rental and I was planning to ride back with Kai, I’m happy to see familiar faces.

The guys scatter like flies, and the sidewalk quickly empties. The girls don’t seem to notice or mind that they act as man repellent. I’ve never seen two pretty girls clear a sidewalk the way they can.

I don’t get it.

I’m so confused.

This town makes no sense at all.

“Hey! We’re heading out to test out Kai’s new zip line. I finally found it!” Nila tells me very excitedly. “Want to come?”

“What do you mean you just found it?” I ask in confusion.

“He tries to hide them from me. I don’t know how to get the tension right or I’d do them myself. Anyway, we’re headed there right now if you want to go.”

I start to turn them down, and I glance back to see a huddle of guys peering at us like they’re trying to be discreet. Either I’m incredibly vain, or they’re waiting on me to be isolated again.

“Why are the men in this town suddenly showing me interest?” I ask instead of answering.

Nila steps up beside me, frowning at the men who scatter again when they realize they have her attention.

“Hmm. Must be because Kai’s been gone so long. They probably forgot about the annual hunting trip or something,” she says with a shrug, making zero sense.

Just like her brother, she consistently leaves me with more questions than answers.


“Come on. We don’t have much daylight left, and that bastard hid it deep in the north woods,” she says, grabbing my hand. “You’ll need warmer clothes than that.”

“Deacon won’t answer my texts,” Krysta says as she runs behind us.

“Because you’re a stage-five clinger and he’s never going to answer until you learn boundaries,” Nila points out.

“Like you’re an expert on men,” Krysta snorts.

I don’t remember agreeing to this. Why am I getting into Nila’s Jeep? Why does everyone in this town drive a Jeep?

They bicker while I sit silently. The vision of Kai breaking into a heartfelt run to escape me is still seared into my memory. I don’t even realize we’re close until the Jeep jolts to the left, right, right, left, left, left—

Why are we driving through the forest so fast?! When did we get into the forest?!

I scream when Nila jumps a hill, while the two of them howl like this is the good life and it’s all good fun. The whole vehicle bounces when it lands, and she skids over the snow as she off-roads faster than she on-roads.

I’m clinging to anything I can find as I scramble to buckle up, and Krysta leans up to crank the music up louder. They howl into the air again as Wild Child starts playing, while I scream at how close we come to hitting a massive tree.

Their laughter doesn’t make sense for the scenario at hand.

The Jeep cuts again, and I scream twice as loud, until we suddenly skid to a halt in front of my cabin.

“I took a shortcut and saved a load of time. You’re welcome. Go get changed and grab a helmet!”

I fumble with the door, practically falling out when I realize my legs are limp too late. “I-I-I think I’ll just stay inside instead. Sorry. I’m not feeling good.”

I cough several times for effect, and they both reel back like it’s the worst thing in the world.

“Why didn’t you say so sooner?!”

Krysta yanks the door shut, and the two of them take off like wild banshees through the forest, narrowly dodging trees, until they disappear from sight.

“It feels like I’m trapped in some cartoon or something,” I decide on a sigh, heading into my cabin.

Per the usual, Reese is gone.

What’s unusual is the fact there’s someone else pulling up.

I turn as the white Jeep rolls to a stop, and a guy hops out with a covered dish of some sort…

“Hey, I just wanted to stop by and give this to you. My mom made it,” he tells me with this boyish grin that makes it hard for me to reject the…

Is that brownies?

Why does everything make me think of Kai?

Annoyed that he couldn’t even be bothered to wave, I bite back the anger that is just starting to surface, smile politely, and accept the gift.

“Tell your mother thank you,” I say as sweetly as I can, accepting the brownies, and—

“What are you doing tonight?” he asks.

I glance down at the brownies and frown. Surely this isn’t the same thing as Deacon getting brownies from those girls. Right?

Tags: C.M. Owens The Wild Ones Romance