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It’s certainly not the same conversation.

“Yeah,” he answers, seeming to expect an answer to that.

“Uh…no. Not really. I guess you’ll have to show me,” I tell him, wondering if there’s a sexy way to learn how to play video games.

I can’t picture it being sexy.

I thought he was just waiting on the signal. In my head, I made a sexy remark that let him know the door was open for some physical contact, and…now we’re planning to play video games.

I’m starting to think I may have accidentally friend-zoned myself.

Or…Kai Wilder is all flirt with zero follow-through.

Wild Ones Tip #993

Use your words. We’re not good at reading minds.

Chapter 10



I don’t think I’m friend-zoned, because he likes staring at my lips. However, whenever I look at his lips to give him the silent go-ahead…

“Something in my beard?” he asks, wiping his beard before I can answer.

I refrain from huffing, puffing, and stomping my foot.

Two days of this is getting to be too much.

Clearly, I don’t have a seductive bone in my body, and now I’m feeling hella insecure, which just makes this all the more awkward.

“I was thinking…maybe I could stay over,” I tell him, taking the much-less-subtle approach once again.

I’d worry that I’m making him uncomfortable, if he understood what I was saying and had a problem with it. Only…I don’t think that’s the case.

It’s getting confusing.

“Sure. I can get you some of my sweats,” he offers, smiling over at me like it’s a great idea.

He even winks at me, gets up, and heads to his room. I’ve mistaken innocent flirtation with signals from him before, but this time I think he’s giving me an actual signal.

My heart slaps my throat as I watch him disappear inside, and a nervous smile creeps across my face. I didn’t think we’d jump straight into the bedroom.

I just thought we might try hitting a base or two and test our chemistry. However…I don’t have an unlimited amount of time here.

Gathering my nerves and shoving them into a dark corner, I stand up and head to the bedroom, and almost crash into him on his way out.

“Here,” he says, handing me the sweats.

I stare down at the clothes he places in my hand, whimpering internally.

Never mind. He really was just being flirty and went to go get me some sweats.

I can’t read him. I thought we were on the same page, and now I don’t feel that way anymore. It went from feeling like he was mine for the taking to feeling like he’s just overly flirtatious and doesn’t expect for women to take him seriously.

This sucks.

“Thanks,” I say tightly. “I’ll just…change in the room.”

He nods and side steps me without ever touching me, and I think back to all the times I’ve used Cougar as an excuse to leap into his arms these past couple of days. I keep thinking it’s going to lead to one of those intense eye-locks that turns into primal, pent-up passion or something.

Apparently that shit only happens in the movies.

Reese is so much better at this sort of thing than I am. At this rate, I’ll be that boring, fancy chick he hung out with that one time before she sold her Grandma’s cabin.

At the risk of sounding shameless, I look over my shoulder as he sits down and starts rattling the controls of the game pad, biting down on his tongue as he gets into it, and say, “You can join me if you want.”

Distracted, he shakes his head. “I already changed.”

My shoulders slump, and I head into the bedroom, feeling as unsexy as a girl can get. I guess I can try again when we go to bed.

Yawning dramatically, I stretch, doing all I can to get his attention. It turns out to be really hard to get his attention when he’s playing games.

“I’m really tired. I think I’ll turn in after I change. What about you?” I ask, striking the sexiest pose I can conjure up without feeling like an idiot.

It’s still awkward, and I’m glad there’s not a mirror around to show me what an idiot I probably look like.

“Nah. I’ll be up for a bit. I’ll take the couch, and you can take the bed,” he adds, shattering that plan of attack just like that.

Clearly I need lessons in how to be seductive. Or maybe Kai Wilder already lost interest.

Frustrated, I walk into his room and lean against the door as I shut it, letting my head thump against it.

Why the hell am I trying so hard for a fling?

Wild Ones Tip #282

Don’t bother arguing. We take our peer pressure seriously.

Chapter 11



“I already told you I couldn’t go,” I gripe to George Malone, who is the biggest pain in my ass right now.

“That girl can wait five days. It’s tradition. You can’t break tradition,” George argues.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Wild Ones Romance