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Kai shoves at him, and the brother shoves back. The next thing I know, they drop to the floor and start all out wrestling, grunting, and cursing each other until the brother screams uncle.

“We’re not in Kansas anymore, sister dear,” Reese quips.

The doorbell rings, and suddenly half the Wild Ones leap into closets, or cover up with a big blanket, or do something else to hide themselves away. This is the fourth time this has happened.

Apparently, there’s a rule that only two families can be in the same place at the same time…unless there’s a sanctioned event? I don’t know. I just don’t know.

Deacon sighs as he goes to the door, massaging his temples, as his twin brother smirks and acts entirely too amused. The door swings open, and Reese and I peer around at the timid girl who is nervously holding up a pan of some sort.

“I made you something. I hope you like it,” she tells him so sweetly.

Awe. This one is way more adorable than the other three who stopped by in very seductive clothing. But why do all these girls keep bringing him food?

“Thank you,” he states with as much courtesy as he can seem to muster. “But as I’ve already said a few times now, I’m not looking to date anyone.”

I spot Nila wrangling Krysta down, covering her mouth with both of her hands, as she pins her in some crazy position. Her legs must have an iron grip of some sort.

Krysta looks ready to tear out someone’s eyeballs.

I…don’t know. I genuinely don’t know. I’ve started sounding redundant and repetitive and redundant some more at this point.

I almost wish I did know.

They all act like they love and hate each other. Just as they act like they love and hate the town. None of it makes sense.

The door shuts, and Deacon sighs again as he holds out the pan of brownies.

“Now you can all quit fighting over it,” Deacon tells them very blandly, as if he’s over it.

Hale practically tackles Kai at the waist, holding him back.

“Go, Killian!” Hale shouts.

Killian snatches the brownies from Deacon as he runs with them, already shoving one in his mouth.

Nila releases Krysta, as Kai slugs Hale in the side, and takes off after Killian.

“Do you want my vagina ruined?” Lilah shouts at her aunt.

“I don’t care about your vagina! I want babies! Give me babies before that girl Kai picked up beats you to it! Look at her hips,” she says very loudly, pointing at me.

Reese smothers a laugh as my eyes widen.

Lilah looks me over, frowning.

“What about her hips?” she asks too calmly.

Can I hide too? I feel like that would be great right now.

“Those are some child-bearing hips. She’s gonna get that baby out quicker than you if you keep on dallying,” her aunt drones on.

Reese hands me alcohol of some sort. I don’t care what it is. With great appreciation, I start chugging the fruity concoction.

“She’s not going to get pregnant. Kai said he hasn’t even hit first base yet,” Lilah tells her aunt, while I inwardly die a little at how very much personal information just gets passed around without warning.

“Doesn’t matter. Those Wilders go after what they want. Hell, look at the Nickels. Krysta may even get preggers before you,” Penny continues, sounding extremely pissed off about this.

Krysta shoots a wicked grin toward Deacon, who loosens his collar, clears his throat, and deliberately avoids meeting her gaze.

“He’s coming around. He can’t withstand my feminine wiles forever,” Krysta tells the room.

Benson smiles around the rim of the bottle of beer he’s drinking from, eyeing his brother with a lot of amusement.

“You warned me. I didn’t listen,” Deacon says as he stands and walks out.

Benson laughs under his breath, still drinking his beer as though this is all normal. Those brothers seem to be the calmest, most rational of the bunch.

“You’re not from here, are you?” Reese surmises, eyes on Benson.

“Not originally, but I got sucked in. Careful. It’s easier to do than you realize. It’s a different way of life, but it’s also a more genuine group of people, for the most part,” he tells us, ducking as Hale leaps over the couch, narrowly evading Kai and another Wilder boy.

I should learn what name goes with who. There were just so many, and I didn’t know who was who until the evening continued to…turn into this sort of mayhem.

“What about Hale?! He’s got a girlfriend now! Get on her ass about giving you babies,” Lilah shouts very abruptly.

Something wet slaps my cheek, and I realize it’s from Reese spewing her drink against my face when she hears that.

I’m smiling, even though I’m a little grossed out and wiping my face off. It’s nice to see it turn around on her after she’s been enjoying my moment in the hot seat.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Wild Ones Romance