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The table is fortunately sturdy and good quality, since he’s fucking me like his life depends on it.

Just as another surprise orgasm washes over me without any warning, Liam’s rhythm staggers, and he stills inside me, releasing a very sexy sound next to my throat as he pants for air.

“Fuck, I love you,” he on a breath.

We both go painfully still, and his body goes tight with tension so thick it feels tangible.

Did I hear that right? Was it my imagination? Did he blurt it out but didn’t actually mean it, since it was sort of a heat of the moment thing?

He seems really tense, so maybe he farted and I just thought he said those words?

I’m not even sure what to say, because I’m not sure what just happened.

Liam clears his throat, kissing the side of my neck again as he pulls out, and he glances over at the window.

“The rain stopped. I think I’ll go help Killian and Hale with their water cannon,” he tells me, not missing a beat. “Dinner later?” he goes on.

Okay…now I’m really confused.

“Um…yeah,” I state unsurely as he abandons me on the table and goes to pull on his clothes.

He dresses faster than I’ve ever seen him dress. I’m not even off the table yet by the time he’s out the door.

What the actual hell just happened?

Chapter 24

Wild Ones Tip #847

Life is like a box of rocks. Ever had a box of rocks?

It’s really hard and is constantly spilling to make a mess.


I’m a motherfucking idiot.

I toss down the wrench, looking at the absurd amount of pieces the Vincents have laid out.

All I can think about is the fact I told Kylie I loved her while my dick was inside her, despite the fact she’s still warming up to me after my last colossal fuck up, and she didn’t say it back.

It’s like my brain shut down today, and I got lost in the fucking moment. Now I’ve gone and made shit awkward and pushed her way too fast.

“What’s your deal?” Killian asks as I toss aside a screwdriver.

“I made it weird.”

Both his eyebrows lift. “Made what weird?”

“Nothing. Let’s just get this put together. I’d like to not think for a little while.”

Chapter 25

Wild Ones Tip #209

We weren’t born with enough middle fingers to deal with people. Wear a helmet.


Wandering around aimlessly, I head into the hardware store to buy my supplies. Today is the first time in a while that I took a paint inventory, since I haven’t done much painting at all with Liam’s crash-landing back into my life.

Obviously I’ve been consumed.

How could I not be?

But now I need to think, because I’m still not really sure what happened this morning or why he ran off to hang with the Vincents right after. So, I buy some paint, since I think clearer or not at all when I paint.

Maybe he scared himself.

Maybe he regretted it.

Maybe it really was a fart.

Maybe it’s all in my head.

I blame the back-to-back orgasms for the mind-fuckery I’m dealing with.

Frustrated, I dump my basket out on the counter.

Max starts ringing me up, his eyes flicking to the paint then up at me and back to the paint. “What’s wrong, Max?” I ask, not really caring.

“Nothing. Are you sure you got all the right colors?” he asks with a hint of dread in his tone.

Frowning, I glance down at the counter, going over all the colors. Those are the colors I’m low on. Just to be sure, I check my list.

“Yeah,” I say with a shrug.

He releases a shaky breath, his hand trembling a little as he rings me up.

“Is someone holding a gun on you right now?” I whisper.

Nervous laughter flies out of him. “No,” he states with a trembling voice. “It’s just…are you sure those are the right colors?”

“Positive. What’s wrong with these colors?” I ask incredulously.

“Noth-nothing,” he stammers, proceeding to ring me out.

“Oh, dear,” Janice Holland—notorious Tomahawk busybody—says, coming up as her eyes flit over my purchases before Max can bag everything. “I knew you went from buying condoms twice a week to not buying them at all anymore, but I had no idea it’d gotten this bad,” she says on a sad sigh.

What?! I knew she was intrusively nosy, but not to the point where she took notice of the fact I haven’t bought condoms in a while.

“I stopped using condoms two weeks ago. Not that it’s any of your business,” I tell her with a dark smile.

She pats my shoulder.


Who touches me without permission? Why is she scared of Nila and not me?

“What’s your defect?” I ask, shrugging her hand off me.

She gives me a pitiful little look as I toss my cash to the counter for Max to take.

“You can weather the storm, Kylie Malone. You’re better than that rotten mother of yours,” she assures me. “It’s not your fault you don’t know how to be a normal woman for a man like that.”

Tags: C.M. Owens The Wild Ones Romance