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“Why are there four flags flying?” Lilah asks suddenly, and I turn back to look at her as Jason starts carrying her toward the yard.

She pales as her eyes widen, and her head snaps to me. “She didn’t!”

“Oh, she did,” I say, smiling bigger.

She starts struggling again, but Jason is three times her size and carries her effortlessly toward the cabin, where Penny walks out, beaming.

“Let’s get our girl ready! People will be here at any moment!” Penny announces.

“Aunt Penny, you can’t be serious!” Lilah snaps.

“You can’t possibly be surprised,” I drawl, grinning when she cuts that death glare toward me.

“Really? You’re supposed to be my friend.”

“I am your friend. That’s why I stood in and let her alter the dress on me to make sure it fit you. After I tried on your clothes to see the exact difference. And got stabbed by a needle five different times when your brothers were out shooting and distracted her.”

Pausing my little monologue for dramatic effect, I pat my chest right over my heart.

“That’s love, Lilah Vincent. I love you.” I grin at her, even as she mutters a threat to pay me back.

“Let’s get that dress on her. And you,” Penny says, pointing at Lilah, “will behave. Otherwise, I’ll bring in the Wilders to help hold you down while I put your dress on you and fix your hair.”

Lilah pales. I’d be a little queasy too.

There are four families of Wild Ones. All of us have our own brand of crazy. But there’s only one wildcard. That’s the Wilders.

Ironically enough. Or is it coincidentally enough? Irony versus coincidence always gets me.

Lilah goes still, but I can see it in her eyes that she’s not done fighting it just yet. Why bother? She knows too many people will wrangle her down that aisle if she tries to escape.

“Grab the tux and take it to the boys,” Penny says to me.

Damn it. Vincent boys? Really?

Cursing internally, since I know better than to argue with Penny, I go grab the tux from inside, toss a rifle on my back, and then walk forever through the woods, adjusting the rifle on my shoulder as I go.

The door to their house is never locked—because what suicidal dumbass would break in on them?—and I walk in…then stumble to a halt.

“What the actual fuck?” Benson roars, a burlap sack on his head as he struggles against the ropes confining him to a chair.

I roll my eyes before looking over at Hale and Killian, who are both smirking at me.

“Hi, Kylie,” Hale says far too sweetly, a secretive grin on his lips.

“Fancy seeing you here,” Killian goes on, his lips also curving in a grin.

“You weirdos are acting weirder than usual.”

“Kylie! Damn it, get this fucking bag off my head and untie me,” Benson growls.

“Can’t do that until it’s closer to time,” I say, then decide I can tear the bag off his head.

Hale makes a sound of protest, but I whip the sack off before he can stop me, and Benson turns a cold, somewhat scary look toward his two brothers-to-be.

“This time, I won’t let Lilah stop me from killing both of you,” he bites out.

They just grin at him.

I hold the tux up. “You have to get this on him,” I say, wiggling the bag.

“We can manage that,” Hale says.

Benson looks at me, confused, then to the bag, and back at them. Slowly, his lips tilt up in a smile.

“I’m getting married, aren’t I?” he asks.

I cock my head, grinning. “Yep. Lilah is being wrangled into her dress as we speak.”

All of the sudden, his arms come around the front of his body, his ropes falling off his hands.

“What the hell?” Killian barks, looking at Benson as he bends and starts untying his feet.

“You really think Lilah hasn’t tied me up and tried to leave me on the bed all day a few times now? I learned a long time ago how to get free from ropes, even before I started dating her, because I knew one day I would be dating her.”

Hale turns a little green.

“That just made the list of things you should never tell us again.” Killian shudders.

Benson grins as he straightens and comes to take the tux from me. “Go. They’ll need help with Lilah. Just get her ready. I’ll handle the rest.”

“Well, that was easier than expected,” I say to the two sulking boys as Benson disappears into a room.

“Really wanted to beat him into submission,” Killian sighs.

Killian and Hale’s eyes shift to the door, and they both grin at the same time. I start to turn around, when I hear a voice that has me freezing to my spot.

“Did I miss the kidnapping?”

Slowly, painfully slowly, I turn around, knowing I have to be delusional.

My eyes collide with a set of too-familiar blues, and my heart tries to kick out of my chest when I see a ghost. Well, not a real ghost. Just someone who has to be an apparition or hallucination because there’s no possible way he’s in Tomahawk.

Tags: C.M. Owens The Wild Ones Romance