Page 58 of Hide and Peak

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“Those lips don’t kiss, bite, or lick any other lips than mine.”

There’s nothing hotter than this man telling me what to do, claiming me. The feminist in me is fist pumping and hooting right along. Horny bitch.

He grits his teeth, voice deeper as he says, “I will not beg you to want me. I’m done playing this game. It’s gone on for long enough. Now get your ass in that room.”

Ifeelhis declaration as he opens the doors to the party. I let him walk through without me, because I’m caught. There have been moments of weakness over the years. Stupid fights. Hell, even the promise and flirtation of what just happened upstairs, but neverthat. There’s not a single place I’d rather be than in his dirty thoughts. And on his shit list. But the idea of being in his arms while others can see it makes it too real. A place that is bound to be a happiness that’ll be plucked from me if the wrong people ever found me. Fuck, I still want it, though. It's been more than a decade. I’ve been smart. If I haven’t been found yet, then maybe they’ve stopped looking.

When the roar of the crowd starts counting down from ten, it forces me to make up my mind. I take a much-needed breath and decide that it’s time to finally go after the one thing I’ve been running from. I will go into that room with all the confidence in the world and kiss the ever-loving hell out of the man I want.



But neither ofthose things happen.

Two very opposite things happen instead, the moment I set foot back into the party. At first, I find Henry right away. The buzz of the crowd makes it feel like time slows down when I see him. Or maybe it’s the counting down and yelling of, “Three… Two…” But I don’t hear anything after that. Before I hear the number one, his eyes meet mine. My confidence is gone and in its place is a conflicting mix of calm and excitement.

People around us are singing that stupid New Year’s song about old acquaintances being forgotten. The irony of those words. The old acquaintance I could never forget stands within reach. He gives me a smile, dimple out, and oh fuck, do I want to reach for him. But as soon as his lips twitch, and he steps toward me, time jostles back.

From slow motion into a body-quaking pace.

The movement of someone over Henry’s shoulder catches my attention, and my entire body freezes. My smile immediately lost. Every bit of calmness and warmth instantly drained from my body. Everything stops moving. It feels like I’ve stopped breathing. The flash of a neck tattoo, and a laugh that’s been buried in my memories, barks out into the crowd, mere steps from where I danced earlier.

Henry must see my change in body language, because he moves quickly toward me. I can’t say anything. Not even when he asks, “What’s wrong?” He looks nervously into my eyes, around my face. Pulling me into his chest, he wraps his arms around my body. “You’re shaking. What’s wrong?”

Still, nothing comes out. I don’t let go of him, even when he tries to pull back and move us off the dance floor.Please don’t make a scene.

Bea comes up to our side.I thought she left.

She puts her hand on my lower back and leans into Henry. I hear her say, “We have eyes here. And I need you to get her out. Take her up to the master suite and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes. Try not to draw any attention.” He grips me tighter. “Now.”

He speaks quietly. “You take her up there, Bea. It’ll draw more attention if I disappear with her again. My brothers are watching me, and I wouldn’t put it past them to make noise about this. Let me talk to Jack. I’ll be three minutes behind.”

Bea nods and pulls me out of Henry’s arms. I don’t register anything that’s happening around me, only that we’re moving with the intent to make it out of the open space, through the living room, kitchen, and up to Everly and Jack’s bedroom. Every hair on my body is aware that I’m in danger. My stomach rolls. My hands sweat. My body knows that someone is near that isn’t supposed to be.

I only remember a few clips of time once we make it upstairs.

Bea talking frantically on the phone. Calling in some of her agents to the event. Undercover in plain clothes so they don’t throw off any red flags.

“Tell me, G, did you interact with him?” She sits on the floor in front of me with worry in her eyes. “Did he see you?” I can’t even respond. I’m still frozen. Watching as if I’m out of my body. I hear her swear a few times and then Henry comes into the room.

I don’t understand why she’s talking to him like he’s aware of the details. Why the man with the neck tattoo of a tiger's head is significant. Why it’s caused this commotion. And all of a sudden, I’m worried about the rest of the family downstairs. “Henry. Everly. Everly needs to be safe.” He rushes over to me. Looking me in the eyes, he pushes the pieces of hair that have fallen down behind my ears, cupping my face.

“She’s fine. Everyone here is going to be okay. We need to get you out of here, though,” he says, his tone laced with concern. It’s not the Henry Riggs I’m used to dealing with. This version is calm, in control, which is nothing new, but the twinge of sweetness in his tone I notice. The same as his hands, which are shaking slightly. He’s rattled, nervous even.

“I’m not. I can’t leave. Bea, don’t make me. Don’t make me.” I start hyperventilating. I’m not prepared to leave this all behind. I don’t want to start over again. I can’t. I’m not strong enough to leave another family in my wake.My new family. I didn’t say goodbye to Everly. I can’t just disappear again.

“Breathe, G. C’mon. In and out. Slow down. You’re going to make yourself pass out. In and out. In and out,” Henry keeps repeating, holding on to me.

It doesn’t work and moments later, everything goes black.

I must have passed out because my eyes flutter open, and I see Henry hovering above me. I’m cradled in his arms. My head resting against his strong chest. His heart is beating faster than normal.

“She’s waking up,” I hear him say.

Bea walks over and looks at me, before saying to Henry, “Keep her safe.”

Looking back at me, she says, “Hey, kid, I need you to take these and drink some water.” She puts a pill in my mouth and then tips water up to my lips. I swallow. It tastes bitter. Before I can say anything, the room gets a little hazy again. I feel drunk, and I realize I’ve just drugged myself.Shit.

Tags: Victoria Wilder Romance