Page 65 of Beneath the Carnage

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The white walls of his office were sparse, with only some police awards and pictures of what must be nieces and nephews. I'd done enough research to know that he was unmarried with no kids, without having to see the rest of the house.

Combs had very blonde hair and clear blue eyes, which creeped me out a little bit. Solidly built and imposing, he wore a simple button-up shirt, with his sleeves rolled up, and a casual pair of slacks.

“Why don't you and your associates have a seat, Mr. Sharp? I heard you wanted to discuss something with me, and I'm very interested to hear what it is.” He sat, emphasizing that we should too.

“You know my father is dead,” I began, and hewasdead. A little investigation into Daniel, coupled with Ju's claims, proved my once-best friend shot my father, and there were witnesses. Very few of his men knew, only the handful Daniel had converted to his side. The rest had unknowingly been taking orders from a false master for weeks. Many of those men had pledged loyalty to me, but an equal number refused, some of them left town, but many died. Taking power was never a clean maneuver, and I was done feeling guilty for killing wicked men. It surely wouldn't help James' chances with Emma if she knew how many bodies we tossed in the river this week.

“I do,” Combs agreed. It took a little more to prove his death to law officials, what with his body being gone, but they came to the same conclusion.

“Daniel Moore, who was poised to become his right-hand man, is also dead.” He gave me a questioning look, and I pressed on, “Daniel Moore killed him and gave orders in his name for weeks.

“The whys aren't important, are they? I'm sure you know how much of the city's infrastructure depends on the influence of the syndicate and that your public funding will fall apart without it.”

“I do,” he agreed with a gulp. Clearly, that was a sore spot for him.

“I have taken my father's position,” the man visibly stiffened. “I have taken over this city's syndicate and I will get things in order. I want you and your officers on my side, just as they were for my father. Though not significantly, I'll pay you more, and you'll have a good deal.”

I didn't expect the nervousness on his features or how far the rumors had already spread, “Mr. Sharp, I know it's foolish of me, but I'm going to have to decline. My predecessor made that deal with your father, not me. I have been trying to take that bastard down since I took this office. And I will not bend to you so that you can be the same type of monster he was.”

I smiled, “I appreciate your bravery, but I have no intention of being the type of monster he was. I'll turn this city around, and you'll help.”

“How do you mean?” his jaw tensed.

“I'm setting up gambling rings, underground fights, some options for sex work that don't involve women being taken advantage of. This city has been sorely lacking the dirty victimless crime that makes a place a little gritty. Your officers will turn their backs on my dealings, but no one is being sold in this city again. No one is taking anyone in my city without retribution. This place will be as lovely and well-maintained as ever.”

He was utterly silent for a few moments, “Why the hell should I trust a word you say?”

I took his question as seriously as he meant it, “Unlike my father, I have people I love. A lot of them, and I want them safe. I don’t enjoy hurting other people.”


“You don't have to believe me, but I'm offering you peace and prosperity. You'd be a fool not to consider it seriously.”

“I don’t trust you,” he finally told me as he looked me in the eye.

“I don’t trust you either.”

He smiled grudgingly at that, “I'll need more details before I agree.”

Before I agree, I had him. “I'm not perfect, but I am not the monster my father was. So let me tell you how I plan to fix things.”

Hours later, Combs leaned back against his chair with his hands folded behind his head. “Okay, Sharp, let’s give it a shot.”

Chapter 30


Iwoketofindmy delectably soft wife pressed up against my back, “Am I the little spoon?” I asked, with an unmistakable smile in my voice.

“Mm, I like it,” her voice was laden with sleep, and the throatiness had my dick thickening. I rolled over, scooping her into my arms and drawing her against me. She wrapped her leg around my hip and shimmied against me, finishing the job her voice started.

“I likethis,” I ground my pelvis against hers to emphasize my point.

“You like being the little spoon too,”and God damn it, I did.

“Can we stay in bed all day?” That wasn't the first time she had such a request since the day at my father's house, but it was the first time I planned to reject her.

“No, baby. I have a surprise for you,” I kissed her pretty, upturned nose.

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance