Page 48 of Beneath the Carnage

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A gust of wind blew past us, opening the sheet and revealing her bare legs. She whimpered, and I kneeled to wrap the sheet back around her legs. The car was warm, we weren’t far, and she would feel better in no time. We just needed to get there.

I saw Vick walking from one of the SUVs toward City Hall, where Dio and Carlos emerged from. He held two thick sweaters and some water. I released her hand to stand back up, and the second I did, she darted for the curb.

“Vick!” I screamed, knowing I needed to catch her before she got away from us and hurt herself from frostbite or being a naked woman running through the streets without speaking the language.

I didn't wait to see if Vick followed us. Instead, I chased after her as quickly as I could. I grabbed her shoulder and yanked her back just before she ran headlong into the street. I held both of her shoulders painfully tight as I gasped for breath. A white van braked in time to avoid hitting her, but only barely.

“Come on, let's go,” I told her, not caring if she understood or not. Then, finally, I forced her to turn around.

“I’m so sorry. He made me…” the very clear English words shocked me, but I heard a shout before I could respond or take a step.

“Claire!” Mason's voice sounded utterly terrified. I looked up to see what was wrong, but before he could warn me any further, a set of arms grabbed me from behind and yanked me back. My hands were still tightly holding the woman, who came with me as I was pulled, landing hard on top of me.

I slammed into the flooring of a vehicle, not the ground. My breath rushed out of me painfully, the impact hard enough that I failed to refill my lungs. Instead, I wheezed pitifully and looked up, seeing the distinct roof of a van.

I thought they stopped to avoid hitting the woman, but I realized just how wrong I was as my eyes flicked toward the man that had pulled me inside.

Before I could make out his features, something heavy connected with my temple, immersing me in darkness.

Chapter 20


Iwatchedfromthedoorway as Claire and the woman walked away. I hated this temporary separation, and I twitched at the thought of her being out of my sight. Of course I pitied the woman and regretted her fear, but it didn't affect me like Claire’s. I would have dealt with her screaming just fine had I been the one to take her outside.

They crossed the doorway into the auction house, leaving my sight as the woman ran, dragging Claire with her. I drifted down the hall after them as I pulled out my phone and texted Officer Barns. I waited just out of sight as I told him to meet me here and what to expect when he arrived. Police access to forensic equipment would come in handy often, and I was grateful to have finally made some headway with the police force.

I shoved the phone back into my pocket and waited a moment longer before following them. I took the stairs out of the basement quickly enough that I expected to catch up with them before they made it outside. I was curious why Victor hadn't caught up with them already. I stepped out into the library's upper floor, surprised I didn't hear their footsteps.

When I realized how utterly silent it was, I ran toward the atrium, anxious to have eyes on her again. They must have moved much faster than I realized. The air was freezing as if the door had only just opened, and the heating system hadn't warmed it again.

The large windows on the other side of the atrium revealed Claire kneeling at the woman's feet. I rushed toward the door. I didn't like her out in the open, exposed. She should have caught up with Victor by now and been protected and safe. My heart stopped cold as the woman turned and ran with all her might. Claire shouted something I couldn't hear before chasing after her and toward a van pulling up to the curb.

I pushed my legs harder, adrenaline coursing through my system. Nothing happened in slow motion. It was all so fast, andIwas the one who was too slow. I threw the door open, revealing the scene that looked just as bleak with nothing interrupting the view.

I’m too late.

“Claire!” I screamed her name, hoping she might have enough time to correct her path and get out of the way. But, instead, she looked back, catching my eye for only a moment. Her brows furrowed in confusion, no doubt responding to my look of terror.

The door slid open as the vehicle stopped. A black-ski-masked man kneeled in the doorway with his arms outstretched to grab her. There were others inside the vehicle. Their limbs were visible, but no faces.

Even with my warning, Claire didn't see it coming. Her hair flew around her head as his arms caught her waist and yanked her backward. The soon-to-be-dead man slammed her into the floor of the vehicle. The stark fear in her expression stabbed into my heart like a blade.Claire. My Claire! No!My thoughts were far past reason. The door slammed shut, blocking my view of her.

“Claire!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, knowing she couldn’t hear me, knowing it didn’t help anything. The pop of gunfire drowned out the sound of my voice.

I cleared the door, wondering if I needed to take cover, but I quickly realized the shot wasn't meant for me. Instead, Victor had crossed half the distance of the parking lot between the library and City Hall. He was still running as he fired, with his gun aimed at the squealing tires of the retreating vehicle.

I ran as hard and fast as my legs could carry me, even knowing it was too late and she was already gone. Finally, I made it to the curb in time to see them turn right at an intersection two blocks down.

I turned, immediately finding the car along with Victor kneeling on the ground between me and it. “What the fuck happened!?” I bellowed as I rushed toward him and the vehicle. Iknewwhat had happened and hadwatchedas she was taken. But why hadn’t he stopped it?!

His expression was deflated, pathetic, and powerless in a way I’d never seen him. His black eyes looked dead. Instead of feeling pity for my old friend, I fucking hated him.

“The girl ran, and I was too late. I’m always too fucking late,” he stared into the distance like he could drag her back with sheer will.

I couldn't take this broken fucking creature kneeling in front of me. I wanted to hurt him,killhim, but Claire didn't have time for that. I shoved him as hard as I could as I ran past him, knocking him straight off his knees and onto the hard ground.

“Get the fuck up, Victor! We need to find my wife.”

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance