Page 43 of Beneath the Carnage

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Victor grunted a combination of rage and sorrow. He agreed with her. James was the only one who saw her leaving as a possibility, but he wasn't willing to push it with his brother already so upset. It was certainly possible that Claire was right, but this could be equally part of a calculated plan, where Mila may be both a victim and a betrayer. That was one of the few ways I could explain the mess we'd found.

“I don't care what any of you say. I'm going to look for her.”

“Victor, if you insist on going out tonight, take at least two men with you, and don't be upset if I make you stay home when we all head out in the daylight. You're not a machine; everyone makes mistakes when they don't sleep.” He looked at me with appraising eyes, likely judging my seriousness, before he skulked out of the room with a defeated hunch to his shoulders.

“Do you think he’s going to look for her?” Claire asked.

“Without a doubt,” James answered.

“And do you think he’s going to find her?”

“Not even a trace,” I said.

Chapter 18


Thenextday,Claireand I sat together on the couch in our bedroom. And it wasourbedroom,ourhouse. She was my wife. Her body lay draped across me, snuggling sweetly into me. I held mywife, a delicious tangle of messy hair and pretty long legs.

This was our attempt at getting some much-needed alone time after the wedding. While I knew rushing our marriage in the middle of an impending war wouldn't give us much of that, I expected at least a day before shit went sideways. But, of course, that was expecting too much of our luck.

I stared at her face adoringly, obsessively tracing the curve of her nose and the little dips and valleys of her lips. Her hand played gently across my chest. The ring on her finger shined every time it caught the light just right. Her luscious tits pressed between us, overflowing her shirt and making my mouth water. The soft smile on her lips was utterly kissable despite the concerned twist of her brow.

“We shouldn't be lying around like this. Mila is missing,” I was glad to hear her voice her concerns, even if I disagreed. Hopefully, I could get that tense little line to relax.

“You know that I’m not convinced she is,” I trailed my fingers up and down her back. “I’m not saying that to be cruel or upset you. It’s what I believe based on her behavior and the circumstances of her disappearance.”

“I know,” the disappointment in her tone stabbed at me.

“I'm not wrong for doubting her, Claire. This lifestyle breeds treachery. Well-intentioned people turn on those they care about all the time, and I don't think she cares about us.” She shivered, and I couldn't tell if it was from my touch or my words.

“Maybe she cares about Vick,” she mused as she settled her head back down and took a deep breath. “And what about me? Am I at risk of your good intentions turning against me or vice versa?”

“You're not. My good intentions have already worked against you, so I've abandoned them. Plus, care would be a terrible way to describe how my heart beats for you.”

Her tanned cheeks pinkened lightly. She didn't blush often, but it frayed the edges of my self-controlwhen she did.

“I know you don't trust her,” she said, with no clue how she was affecting me. “And you think that even if she's not entirely guilty, you don't believe she's entirely innocent.”

“You caught on to that?”

“You’re not as subtle as you think. At least not when it comes to me.”

I smiled at that but chose to ignore it, “Can you blame me? The betrayals have been stacking up lately.”

She reached up and brushed her fingers through my hair, the sensation of her gentle attention making me ache to be inside her like homesickness.

“James and Vick will never betray you. I am certain of it.” I couldn’t face her, but her eyes burned along my skin, scrutinizing every twitch or crease.

“It would be nice if you were right.”

She smiled at my noncommittal answer, “I’m never going to betray you.”

Instead of saying something hurtful, I smiled back, but she sensed the doubt in my silence.

“I won't let you think like that. You aren't going to become some bitter, distrustful man with nothing good left in your life.”

“And what if it’s that or your life?” I said the words with every bit of bitterness she said she wouldn’t allow.

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance