Page 39 of Beneath the Carnage

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A bell chimed, “Showtime,” one of the men said as they both pulled back the doors and revealed a church straight out of a fairy tale. Cool, damp air leaked out of the room along with the sounds of string music. It wasn’t like the wintry air outside, but earthy and old.

Despite it being daytime, the church glowed dimly, lit only by the small windows high up in the wall and a sea of candles. The aisle was shorter than I expected, the space much more intimate. The ancient wood felt so smooth beneath my feet as I took a step forward, and the same wood formed the rafters that stretched dramatically across the vaulted ceiling. I kept my eyes off the altar, knowing I’d forget all these lovely details when I sawhim.

“Count to ten and follow me,” Emma said right before walking down the aisle. She looked gorgeous as she floated away in her gauzy pink gown that accentuated but didn’t overshadow mine. When she reached the altar, I stepped forward.

Twinkling candles lined the empty pews and the sconces on the wall, giving everything an unbearably romantic atmosphere. I had never been religious or thought much about God, but at this moment, I could feel the sanctity of the space. I could believe in God if that explained the impossible love I felt for Mason.

Lawrence, Rochelle, and Victor took only the first row, and rather than looking empty or sad, the ceremony was intimate in the most perfect way. James served as Mason's best man and Emma as my maid of honor. The two stood across from one another, staring with such longing that they actually added to the atmosphere of consuming and passionate love. I looked up at Mason, ready to lose myself in him. His eyes were already on me and probably had been since those doors opened. The way he stared at me made my stomach flip.

I expected to see love, maybe even desire, but I saw longing. Painful and aching, needing me to assuage it. It wasn't until that moment that I truly understood what I meant to him and what my loss would do to him. I walked down the aisle by myself, commanded by the look in his eyes that told me I was his, and I needed to close that distance and bind myself to him eternally.

It didn't feel lonely or daunting, especially with my blood on fire for him. Each step teased the pearls against my clit, making me desperate to moan through the sensation. My eyelashes dampened as I took it all in. The love I felt between us, the intensity, the promise of a life together that could be the epitome of happiness.

Mason had gone to incredible lengths to make this short-notice wedding day perfect. He had always gone to extraordinary lengths for me, even when I hated what he was doing.

I stood before him, and it took all my self-control to simply place my hand into his when I wanted to throw myself at him and fuse us in every way. His suit was deep black, his silk pocket square golden, like my dress. The color played with the gold in his green eyes, positively stunning me. I'd never noticed that color in them before, but I realized it always lurked there.

The minister was saying something about marriage, but his words were meaningless as I stared at the man I loved. I was still so angry with him, but I couldn't deny how that anger felt like passion. It didn't make me want to escape him. The worst it ever did was make me want to fight him, but I didn't want to fight to hurt him. Instead, I wanted to fix what he broke within us.

I stared into his eyes and knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was it for me, and even if that love and our circumstances cost me everything, I was willing to pay that price. I was glad to sell my soul to the Devil and take the flames if it meant I stood beside Mason.

“I do.” Mason's rich voice interrupted my gawking, and I realized a heartbeat late he had just bound himself to me.

“Do you, Claire Green, take Mason Sharp to be your lawfully wedded husband, to honor and obey as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,”

“Then you may kiss the bride.”

Mason did just that, sweeping me into his arms and crushing my lips with his. He broke our kiss only long enough to exchange our rings before his lips were back on mine.

“Fuck that as long as we both shall live bullshit,” he growled against my lips, shocking the minister. “I dare anyone to try to take you from me in this world or the next.”

I giggled, unable to help the surge of joy pulsing through me. This infuriating man was mine, and I would do whatever it took to keep him. I didn’t think I could best cosmic forces as he seemed to, but the level of devotion was the same. The longer I stood beside him, basking in his love and acceptance, the stronger I felt. Strong enough to deal withhislife. I wouldn't be here and wouldn't love him like this if I weren't supposed to.

“We’re inevitable, baby. Permanent,” he echoed my thoughts.

“Yes,” I agreed, letting his tongue fill my mouth.

An indulgent chuckle ran through our guests, and he pulled his lips from mine but kept my hand in his. “Alright, folks, let's go celebrate.”

“Here, here!” James shouted. There was a thin round of applause with only five sets of hands to witness our union, but that didn't make it any less enthusiastic. The smile on my face hurt my cheeks, and for a blissful moment, I couldn't believe how lucky I was beneath the carnage and death around me.

Victor and James took turns shaking Mason’s hand and clapping him into those ridiculous man hugs.

Emma stepped up beside me, “That was truly lovely. Do you want me to help you get changed for the reception?” there was an apology in her tone.

“I thought you said you didn’t know about a reception,” I lifted one eyebrow at her.

“I lied,” she laughed with a shrug, “I guess I fit in with this crowd better than I realized.” I hoped that meant she was done punishing herself and James.

I reached over and grabbed her arm, still brimming with unbridled joy. “Whether you want my advice or not, you're getting it. Whatever is holding you back, get over it and be with the man you love.” Her mouth dropped open, and I kissed her on the cheek, leaving a dark red mark. “Thanks for being my maid of honor.”

“Mm, of course,” she said in a dazed tone.

I turned to Mason, kissing him deeply. “Emma is going to help me change into my party dress.”

“Why doesn’t Emma run along to the party? I can help you out of your dress,” he bit his lower lip and made a sound in the back of his throat that made my insides clench.

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance