Page 18 of Beneath the Carnage

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“What’s wrong?” I asked, my heart immediately sinking.

Mason stood beside me, pressing a kiss to my lips before placing one on my exposed clavicle. “Hector also received a Christmas present. His lieutenant’s head in a box.”

I gasped out loud, “Like Victor said?”

“Not exactly. It was a fucking mess, just as gruesome as Gavin in its own way,” Victor corrected quietly.

“What’s the plan?” Emma asked. Everyone’s eyes turned to her except for James, who had already been watching her. “Oh, come on, I’m here and deserve to be included.”

“The fuck you do—” James argued, but Mason cut him off.

“The plan is for Victor and me to have a word with Hector while James stays here with the two of you.”

She glared at James, “I don’t think so. Someone else can stay with us.” He winked at her. His confidence was so astounding she shrieked in startled rage.

“I’m going with you,” I told Mason, ignoring their argument. “You trust Hector well enough, and I’m done sitting at home while you decide which parts of the truth to tell me.”

“That’s not fair,” he spoke through his teeth. “I’ve told you the whole truth!” he took a deep breath, dragging his hands over his face as he reined in his temper. “I’m sorry,” he grabbed my shoulders, turning me, so I had to face him. Despite my attempts to avoid them, his green eyes found mine and held me, “but Claire, I don't know what to expect today. I'm not bringing you into a dangerous situation.”

“You’re not bringing me into a dangerous situation. I’m choosing to enter a dangerous situation. I’m sure Hector won’t do anything stupid. Even if he does, I deserve to be there.” We stared each other down like the first to blink would lose. Playground rules are always the best way to solve adult disagreements.

“I am not going with you, and neither is Victor,” Emma spoke up, breaking the tension and pausing our argument. She reached over, grabbed Vick's arm, and pulled him to her side, his rigid posture reminding me of a kid being forced to hug his sister for a family photo. “You stay with me unless you'd rather I murder your brother the day after Christmas.” She patted him on the arm like she couldn't care less about his discomfort.

Mason continued to stare at me as they argued, but I ignored him. I wouldn’t back down on this.

“Careful, shortcake. I might get jealous if you keep touching other men in front of me,” he flashed her and Vick a warning glare.

“Please, James. He's your brother! I don't have the energy to deal with your bullshit this morning.” She shoved Victor away like she couldn't be bothered with either of them. I couldn't help wondering if provoking a reaction out of James wasn't exactly why she grabbed Vick.

“That’s fine. I’m happy to let you lay back while I take care of everything. We both know you’re a pillow princess.” He licked his lips at her in a crude gesture.

Emma's cheeks flushed scarlet, “You're a pig!” she shouted before turning to Mason, “I'm not fucking kidding. I do not want to spend the day alone with him.”

Mason dragged his eyes away from me, “James, you’re with me today.”

“What the fuck?!” James ripped his hands through his black hair.

“Your brother is more than suited to keep her safe, and she would rather stay with him.”

“Fuck this shit!” James stomped off in the general direction of the front of the house, and I wasn’t sure if that meant it was time to leave or if he was just so angry at us all he couldn’t stand to be near us.

Mason turned to me. “You do not need to come. It would be safer if you didn't, and I would feel better. You and Emma haven't had much time to hang out lately. Stay home and catch up.” His green eyes smoldered as he switched tact to try to convince me. “Rochelle can give the two of you manicures, and you can watch movies, maybe drink some wine?”

“Are you finished?” Damn him for making the offer sound so enticing. But that’s how the devil works, wrapping up poor choices in temptation.

“Are you staying home?”

I hated to be the one to crush his hopes, “No.”

He sighed heavily. “Okay, let’s go. James is waiting for us.”

The atmosphere was tense as we climbed into the back of one of the black SUVs. James went to the car when he stormed off and took the seat farthest from the door. His hands were clenched into tight fists, white with the tension and the cold. One pressed against his mouth like he was forcing himself to keep quiet. He succeeded, remaining silent as we settled in, and Mason called out the address to Lawrence.

I avoided looking at both men, fearing the castoffs of James’ anger trickling onto me.

“I did you a favor, James.” Mason’s calm voice made my skin prickle. My eyes shot to the man intent on making this situation impossibly more uncomfortable.What the fuck? Did he want a fight?

“You did not do me a favor. You’re being a fucking prick and throwing your weight around.”

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance