Page 14 of Beneath the Carnage

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“I assumed I may be unable to go back there when I smashed the basement door in and discovered the place they auctioned abducted people for human slavery. All of that was before Gavin turned up dead on our doorstep. It doesn’t take rocket science to figure out I can’t go back there for now.”

He leveled me with a hard stare, not a fan of my tone, “This is serious, Claire.”

“I know that, Mason. I saw someone’s intestines today. Despiteyourlife experience, that’s not a typical Tuesday for most. But I’m taking this seriously, and I have no intention of fighting you on going back to the library. I have no intentions to fightagainstyou on anything, provided you tell me the truth and don’t make stupid decisions.”

“Stupid decisions, huh?”

“Yes. If you make those, it’s my job to tell you and stop you.”

“What if you make stupid decisions?”

“We both know how eager you are to tell me when I do make them. But I never made a habit of lying to you. I imagine things would be a lot better for both of us had you started telling me the truth sooner.”

He tensed, “I am sorry for lying to you, but I was and stillamtrying to protect you. I know you want me to grovel, but I can’t when I know I was trying my hardest to keep you safe.”

“Are you saying you’re notactuallysorry?”

“No, and you know I am. I’m just saying I won’t act as if I betrayed you when I truly had your best intentions at heart.”

“You had your interests at heart,” I murmured.

“Only because you are my heart.”

“You’re being ridiculous.” I looked down, trying to temper the molten reaction my heart had to his words.

“I’m being incredibly serious. None of this is a joking matter. I’m giving you the truth, Claire. All of it. My father knows Gavin was working for me. The scene outside was a message, and things are just getting started. He knows I don’t give a fuck about Gavin, but he’s close to you, or hewas. If my father aims to hurt me,youare his target. So you need to take my concerns more seriously.”

I swallowed hard. “I am taking everything seriously, Mason, and you need to stop speaking down to me. Fighting you on this is not part of my plan, and I’m done making reckless moves that endanger me. So save it. Regardless, we do not know your father’s plans, and I refuse to plan my life around them.” He opened his mouth to argue, and I held up my hands to cut him off. “But! I agree I should avoid the library, at least for now.”

He was quiet for a few moments as a tense muscle in his jaw snapped back and forth. “Vexing woman.” His hand landed hard on my ass cheek.

“You love me,” I nearly shouted as I absorbed the pain.

“I love stuffing you full of my cock.”

“That too,” I laughed.

“If I had time, I would show you how much me and my cock both love you.”

I ground my hips down and against his hardness, hoping to tempt him away from his obligations for a few minutes. Then, for added impact, I pushed my breasts into his face, watching in satisfaction as they had the distracting effect I’d hoped.

“Why don’t you have time again?”

Chapter 7


Ileanedbackinhis lap, undeniably sated, while he kissed along my hairline and trailed his fingers up and down my back. All the things he'd said percolated through my mind. I was thinking of the library, the community, and the entire city of innocents who didn't realize what atrocities happened here. But then, something obvious occurred to me.

“What about Emma? If it's not safe for me there, it's not safe for her either.”

“I wouldn’t worry about Emma. Not with James looking out for her.”

“And when does James have time to protect Emma with him always doing something dangerous for you?”

He chuckled darkly, “James has made it all too clear that she is his priority and that I can fuck myself if I think I’m going to prevent him from looking after her.”

I giggled at the thought. “Andyoutookthatwell?”

Tags: Aurelia Knight Romance