Page 91 of After Hours

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“It’s temporary, you dickhead,” he wheezes as he hooks his legs and slams me down on the mat. “I’m going through a divorce.”

“Cry me a river.” I snap out of his touch, flip to my feet and roundhouse kick him in the chest. Mikael staggers back and jumps straight at me.

“No crying over here, my friend,”—he bounces on his heels—“in fact, I heard your sister is single.” His arms hang by his side, leaving him exposed and vulnerable, but I know he is baiting me.

“I couldn’t pay her to fuck you.”

“Shit, she’ll be pissed to know she did it for free.” He shrugs, and I growl, charging at him. He clocks me in the face, and then we are swinging and ducking, fists pounding into sinewy muscle and bouncing off bone. “How’re you gonna keep your cool in a courtroom if you can’t even take a few digs?” He flicks his head to the side, ensuring that I miss him.

“That's a clear-cut case. That fucking arsehole will be wearing cuffs before he gets his next haircut.” I jab in quick succession and catch him near the temple. He sways and then sets himself right before kicking high and slapping his foot against my ear, and I growl because that shit burns!

“Yeah, well, all I’m saying is make sure you don’t join him,” Mikael pants. He shakes his head and frowns over my shoulder. “Orton is, in fact, hitting on your missus.” I run at Mikael and take him down, twisting to check the room and find Lauren looking pissed as one of the guys walks around her like she is a prime bit of meat. I jump up and stalk across the room like a crazed bull, disrupting workouts and invading everyone's personal space until I happen upon Orton eye-fucking my girl. Perry appears in my peripheral, but I ignore him striding this way. Too late, loser!

He reaches for her hair, but she moves out of the way. “Don’t fret, angel. You had a little sand, is all—” His buddies chuckle, and I boulder my way in, hoist Lauren over my shoulder, clapping my hand over her arse to avoid anyone looking up her skirt.

His face drops as I raise my finger and point it in his face. “Hands off, asshole!”

Hands held high, Orton eyes me warily. “I was joking, sorry.” Those same eyes flick over my shoulder.

“For heaven's sake. Put me down, Cain!” Her small fist digs into my back.

“No!” I bark. Perry steps in my place, levelling Orton with a hard scowl as I stalk off with her draped over my back. “I want to introduce you to someone,” I say, slapping her bottom and grinning when she tries to pinch my arse.



Iread over the message multiple times. It appeared in my inbox first thing this morning, and I've stared at the threat throughout the day.

Even now, sitting in this restaurant amongst the guests with my face aflame, knowing they have read the article, I can’t stop thinking about Henrik’s message. When Cain suggested we go out for lunch, I refused, but he is adamant we need to show we have moved past the image being leaked. I know he is right, but until this whole thing blows over, I am mentally stuck on that plane. Humiliated and exposed.

Nervously, I look up for Cain, feeling too vulnerable sitting alone at the table. Some of the faces I recognise, others I know have been victims of the same kind of scandal, but I still can't look them in the eye. Embarrassed, I read over the message again, avoiding the gazes of those around me.

You understand how this works. Your new beau doesn’t scare me, Lauren. I’d hate to have to hurt your brother's reputation, after all.

He’s ensuring I keep quiet by playing on the threat he has used to safeguard his name. A part of me wants to know what information he has, but the other is too afraid to be privy to something he deems damaging. I should tell Cain, come clean and be damned of the consequences to James. Henrik wouldn’t be so stupid as to hurt me physically. He’d go after James’s business—it would be a form of entertainment to him.

Cain returns from the bathroom, and I slide my phone back into my bag. “Are you ready to go?” he questions, taking the seat opposite me as I finish my drink. “Stop overthinking,” he chides softly when my eyes skirt around the room once again.

“How are you so blasé?” I scoff. I want to be annoyed with him for brushing it off, but I know that acting indifferently is the only way to come out of this without giving the press more ammunition. He’s been my rock, shouldering any and all of the burden. I know his lawyer has dealt with having the image retracted, but it’s too late. Too many eyes have seen everything I only ever wished to give to the man opposite me.

“Because half of these people have had their life pulled apart online. They can hardly judge us without holding themselves accountable for their own choices,” he muses and places a few notes down on the table. “Come on.” He stands, and I follow suit, slipping my hand in his and heading across the restaurant and out into the street.

Across the street, a photographer raises his camera, and I duck my head, but Cain lifts my chin and drops a kiss on my mouth. “A kiss for every photographer—aren’t you a lucky girl?” He smirks.

“I love you,” I mouth, and he hooks up my pinky with his own and brings it to dot a kiss on our linked digits.

“Let me take you back to work. Perry will put out a missing persons’ report if we’re any later.”

* * *

Faye walks towards reception, and I pocket my phone and finish up the email I’m sending for a late payment. She’s nice enough, but after what Cain mentioned and the news article, I've tried to keep a polite and professional distance.

“Did you book in those two sessions?” she queries, stepping behind the desk and reaching for her coffee cup.

“Yes, I managed to get them to stay on for another class afterwards. Reena had some space left.”

“Seriously? I feel tired just thinking about it.” Faye’s eyebrows shoot up, and she lowers into a seat beside me, sipping quietly.

Tags: A.R. Thomas Erotic